Wrap Up: Battle Aleppo. Kosovo/Serbia. US & Russia to meet and way more...
Summarizing: The G-8 meeting. No concessions to the NATO tyranny. Russia held the line they have for so long now.G- 8 Declaration WILL NOT mention the fate of Syrian leader Assad & Updates!The NATO...
View ArticleEgypt's Army delivers an ominous warning
This news caught my eye. Leaving out the spin because I don't want CBS telling me how to think about this situation.Egypt's army chief warned on Sunday that the military is ready to intervene to stop...
View ArticleSyria-"secret steps" in Doha. Russia/Syria gas deal? Geneva pretalks
Back to Syria, yes, but we have to keep an eye on Egypt! Since the US is coincidentally & curiously moving troops to Egypt: U.S. soldiers set to deploy to Egypt at a tense time A group of U.S....
View ArticleThe Turkefication of Egypt- June 30/13 "democratic" protests to what end?
Protests creating an impression of democracy at work? Reality being a reordering out of chaos?A distraction of the masses while the elites aided by sycophantsdo their dirty work?The protests continue...
View ArticleMash Up: UN in Turkey, Syria Army gains, Sinai, Snowden & Dzhokhar Tsarnev...
Mash Up: Slang.a creative combination or mixing of content...A little of this. A little of thatUPDATED! Syria:UN Chemical weapons inspectors in Turkey?Obama has already used the chemical weapons meme...
View ArticleRuss Tice and the truth about NSA spying with James Corbett
Second post for the day! Be sure to check out the info packed, updated, earlier postMash Up: UN in Turkey, Syria Army gains, Sinai, Snowden & Dzhokhar Tsarnev Indicted Interesting Interview. With...
View ArticleU.S. Ospreys and air tankers put Iran in Israel's reach
Good read:Talk about targeting Iran's nuclear reactor but what comes after? Nothing?Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, left, shares a few words with Israeli Minister of Defense Moshe Ya'alon after...
View ArticleThe Syrian Lie- Al Nusra Front's war for Western Interests
ht to freethinker!freethinkerJune 27, 2013 at 7:11 AMFor anyone who hasn't seen it already this is worth watching-EX-AL QAEDA Member: Nabil Naim - The Syrian Lie, Al Nusra's Fake War
View ArticleUS ready to implement no-fly zone in Syria: Pentagon
Washington, June 27: US forces are ready to implement a no-fly zone in Syria if it is asked to do so, but it would be difficult because the Syrian air defence system is sophisticated and dense, a top...
View ArticleChina: Xinjiang terrorists (Uyghurs) finding training, support in Syria, Turkey
This news story out of China really caught my eye! Xinjiang terrorists finding training, support in Syria, Turkey- Chinese media and government are not being the least bit outrageous in making that...
View ArticleU.N. Nuclear Chief warns of 'dirty bomb' threat but dead silent on Fukushima
More action is needed to stop militants (?) acquiring plutonium or highly-enriched uranium that could be used for atomic bombs, nuclear experts and government officials said on Monday. Analysts say...
View ArticleTerror Plot- British Columbia, Canada. On Canada Day (allegedly)
Yes, on Canada day. Which the media has informed the Canadian readership is the equivalent of the 4th of July in the US.Canada Day is the equivalent of the July Fourth Independence Day celebrations in...
View ArticleMuslim Brotherhood- Part of the Globalist blight on humanity, indeed!
Finding this article, Connecting the dots , felt to me the same as finding that impossible piece in the puzzle and fitting it in to the entire picture.First a sufficient definition of Globalist/s. What...
View ArticleFireworks burst over Tahrir Square after Army Statement
Fireworks burst over Cairo's Tahrir Square, the centre of protests against Mohamed Mursi, and across the Egyptian capital after the army suspended the constitution and appointed a new, interim head of...
View ArticleEgypt's Coup: Game Over? Not by a long shot!
Following up on this post. Fireworks burst over Tahrir Square after Army Statement See the show, it’s a dynamo. See the show, it’s rock and roll....See the shooowwwwwww.........ht freethinker!Wow,...
View ArticlePt 2: Canada Terror Plot- Not! Junkies make useful idiots
Following up on this post:Terror Plot- British Columbia, Canada. On Canada Day (allegedly) This terror plot didn't even occur on or near Canada Day.Keep reading....thanks to an anonymous commenter in...
View ArticleEgypt to Syria: Fomenting the sectarian violence and more....
I haven’t forgot about Syria.Despite the situation in Egypt. Which looks to be taking a turn for the worse. Sigh. If you haven’t noticed. Muslim Brotherhood is protesting, Egyptian army and or other...
View ArticleEl Baradei becomes Egypt’s Interim President
Tool of the ptb’s. Here comes the rebrand. The filthy hand prints of NATO and friends..banksters, corporations and other assorted evil doers are all over this moveNobel Peace laureate ( Just like...
View ArticleRebranding the Arab Spring to Reorder the Middle East/Africa
*Product: Something produced by human effort, mechanical effort or by a natural process. A direct result; a consequence*Branding- A process involved in creating a unique name, image, term, symbol,...
View ArticleDevil's Game: How the US unleashed politcal Islam; Interview & book excerpt
With thanks to Ali @ thenakedfacts for the nudge down this particular pathI had asked Ali his opinion on the info here Muslim Brotherhood- Part of the Globalist blight on HumanityHis response: " .i...
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