Yup, Trudeau is nothing more then a brand! He's not a leader therefore he should not be followed. He's not an intellectual. He is a BRAND The Trudeau campaign and the creation of brand Trudeau was done by the same PR firm used by the Obama. Featuring much of the same memes. Sadly, Canadians swallowed it hook, line and sinker
He was marketed to the shallow, narcissistic younger voters. He appeals to the superficial and the celebrity worship crowd.
When Trudeau first won, I suggested he was going to tear this country apart
Today we see a Trudeau that is divisive- He is pushing PC to the nth degree. He plays identity politics. Pitting Canadians against one another. He continued and expanded the refugee program in a nation with high unemployment and has caused a huge jump in food bank dependency because of the 'refugee' influx. Influx of Syrian refugees helps drive rise in use of food banks Or Syrian refugees using foodbanks because of 'cultural element' says immigration minister "Senator says income support not enough, driving refugees to food banks to feed large families"
Charity begins at home- and we have poor, homeless Canadians- I've witnessed this summer a homeless middle age white woman. She is shoeless, deeply tanned from being outside all day long- She sleeps in the park in the centre of my small home city- She totes all her belongings in a jerry rigged pull cart. Winter is coming soon. I will leave some warm socks and a scarf in her area of living. She isn't Syrian, so not one politician gives a hoot about her! Not one. Canadian politicians don't concern themselves with the tragic lives of Canadian people, rather, they heap disdain on them and encourage others to do the same!
Canada is deeply involved in the ME wars for humanitarian reasons, of course- My prognostications have already shown themselves to be accurate.
Brand Trudeau's 'good works'
The Liberals were always going to be the spoonful of sugar needed to alleviate the foul taste of the bad medicine they were set to deliver to Canada
"A brand is a set of marketing and communication methods that help to distinguish a company from competitors and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers. The key components that form a brand's toolbox include a brand's identity, brand communication (such as by logos and trademarks), brand awareness, brand loyalty, and various branding (brand management) strategies"Brand Trudeau is marketed as hip. Virile. Popular, globally. A fresh face. He takes selfies. He appears approachable. He is a comic book character. His likeness appears on clothing. He is 'chivalrous' A night in shining armour
He was marketed to the shallow, narcissistic younger voters. He appeals to the superficial and the celebrity worship crowd.
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Might as well be Molson Canadian- It's all branding |
A brief recap of Brand Trudeau's accomplishmentsCanada Saw Red
Canada's involvement in wars and destruction will be presented as R2PTrudeau will divide this country, same as Harper did, just in a different manner.
We will suffocate under political correctness. We already did under Harper, but, it will get so much worse under Trudeau. Free speech will be further restricted*Trudeau will do nothing about the TPPThe more things change. The more they are exactly the same.
Oh and smart money says we will still cater to Israel!
Will I be proven wrong? Highly doubtful.
Today we see a Trudeau that is divisive- He is pushing PC to the nth degree. He plays identity politics. Pitting Canadians against one another. He continued and expanded the refugee program in a nation with high unemployment and has caused a huge jump in food bank dependency because of the 'refugee' influx. Influx of Syrian refugees helps drive rise in use of food banks Or Syrian refugees using foodbanks because of 'cultural element' says immigration minister "Senator says income support not enough, driving refugees to food banks to feed large families"
Charity begins at home- and we have poor, homeless Canadians- I've witnessed this summer a homeless middle age white woman. She is shoeless, deeply tanned from being outside all day long- She sleeps in the park in the centre of my small home city- She totes all her belongings in a jerry rigged pull cart. Winter is coming soon. I will leave some warm socks and a scarf in her area of living. She isn't Syrian, so not one politician gives a hoot about her! Not one. Canadian politicians don't concern themselves with the tragic lives of Canadian people, rather, they heap disdain on them and encourage others to do the same!
Canada is deeply involved in the ME wars for humanitarian reasons, of course- My prognostications have already shown themselves to be accurate.
Brand Trudeau's 'good works'
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Brand Trudeau- Marvel Comics |
Now the latest:
The Trudeau government used powers granted by the Harper government's controversial citizenship law to make 184 revocation decisions without legal hearings between November 2015 and the end of August. About 90 per cent of the decisions resulted in a negative finding and the loss of a person's citizenship.
The numbers show that the Trudeau government has used the law far more aggressively than the Harper government itself.
But in a Federal Court filing late Friday, the government said it would not grant a moratorium on revocation cases, and added that claims by some that the system was revoking large numbers of citizenship are speculative.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau made the sanctity of citizenship an issue in last year's federal election.
"A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian," Trudeau said in a leaders' debate three weeks before storming to victory.
He used it to dress down Stephen Harper for passing Bill C-24, a law that aimed to strip dual citizens of their Canadian passports if they were convicted of crimes of terrorism, treason or espionage against Canada, or took up arms against Canada.Revocations increase as Trudeau takes office
Although the powers being used come from a law passed by Stephen Harper's Conservatives, the law has been used much more aggressively under Trudeau.
In the first full month of the law's operation, June 2015, only three revocation decisions were made. None were made in July or August, two in September and two more in October.
The Trudeau cabinet was sworn in on Nov. 4, 2015. That month saw 21 revocation decisions. The following month there were 59. The year 2016 averaged 13 decisions a month up to Aug. 31, the latest data CBC News has been able to obtain.
The monthly average under the Harper government from 2013 to 2015 was only 2.4 cases a month, some under the auspices of C-24 and some under rules that existed previously.
You can read the rest of this article at the link providedMonsef case an uncomfortable parallel
But lawyers representing some citizens targeted for revocation say they're seeing cases that don't fit that frame.
The B.C. Civil Liberties Association says those targeted for revocation include at least two young adults who came to Canada as infants, grew up in the country and have broken no laws, but who are now being stripped of citizenship because the government says one of their parents misrepresented facts on their original application years ago.
In one case, a young man who arrived in Canada at nine months of age said he has been issued with a notice of revocation because his father had failed to report a criminal conviction in his country of origin when the family immigrated to Canada.
The Liberals were always going to be the spoonful of sugar needed to alleviate the foul taste of the bad medicine they were set to deliver to Canada