Allegedly: US offers Turkey support to set up safe-zone in exchange for...
The offer was alleged to have been made at the UN this past September 20th. Yet, it takes 12 days for this story to break, just in time for this weeks media cycle. I flat out do not believe this...
View ArticleMosul’s Citizens, Under Bombardment, Face "a level of savagery that no human...
This is the only place you will read that headline. And, yes, it is a play on the msm reporting regarding Aleppo, Syria. Beside the headline, I’m pretty certain you won’t read this news article...
View ArticleMohammed Alloush of Jai(y)sh al-Islam: Assad is the Enemy, Not Israel.
Always have to feature article that out Israel's Islamists! And Alloush? A total terror scum, lovin' Israel! 5 facts about Jaysh al-Islam, group that used chem weapons in Syria & has delegate at UN...
View ArticleUN council weighs measure to impose Aleppo ceasefire- No flights over Aleppo!
Keeping in mind that it was the US that ended the ceasefire with their heinous attack on SAA US/Israel/NATO are very concerned their losing their terror army!From earlier today: Mohammed Alloush of...
View ArticleFake News & False Flags: US Paid 660 Million Dollars For Propaganda
This expose is getting very little coverage. This morning,according to Google, there were just 42 articles on this scandal. ( As of 9:12 EST am the article count is up to 46) Not one main stream!No...
View ArticleDid The UN Truly Confirm Aleppo Aid Convoy Attack Was an Air Strike? No!
If you were headline skimming today, you could be forgiven for thinking there was some real hard evidence of an airstrike. Especially with headlines claiming "UN Expert" employing a big fat, appeal to...
View ArticleGeorge Soros as Jabba the Hutt- Hissing his Disapproval
I started out writing this post in the usual manner.But, as I was looking at the picture of George Soros, a certain familiarity came through and then it hit me...........He looks like Jabba the Hutt...
View ArticleUN Official Calls for Security Council Veto Limit to Allow NATO a Freehand in...
VOABased on the bogus humanitarian interventionist excuse for mass murder- R2PGENEVA — The United Nations' top human rights official has called for limits on the use of the veto power by the U.N....
View ArticleIs Russia Ready to Establish a No Fly Zone Over Syria ?
Thoughts?Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed reports from American media that Moscow provided Syria with S-300 surface-to-air missile defense systems. The statement was made by the...
View ArticleAleppo:Security Council Meeting Today/Syrian Army Gains- No Fly Over Aleppo?
Hope you’ve been catching all the posts this past week, cause we’re looking back in order to discuss the news regarding the Security Council Meeting taking place today!(started this post very early...
View ArticleUN Security Council to Vote Saturday 3:00 pm on French Plan for Aleppo, Syria
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) — The UN Security Council will vote at 3 p.m. EDT (19:00 GMT) on Saturday on a draft resolution from France that seeks to establish a ceasefire in the Syrian city of Aleppo,...
View ArticleUpdated! Pentagon Considers Launching Limited Military Action Against Syria?
ASHARQ AL-AWSATSpeaking of possibilities for false flags or covert ops?"Washington- The Pentagon is considering carrying out limited attacks in Syria that don’t drag U.S. President Barack Obama to an...
View ArticleVitaly Churkin Gave Syria the Floor & the US Led Cabal Walked Out
Churkin gave the NATO allies quite a dressing down- Hoping I can get the transcripts at some point in time?The US, France, UK, Japan etc., showed a whole lot of disrespect for their own political...
View ArticleLittle consensus within administration on how to stop fall of Aleppo to Assad
Fresh WaPo article:"But there is no consensus within the administration about what the United States can or should do to try to bring a halt to the killing and stop what now appears to be the...
View ArticleBrand Trudeau & Regime Revoking Canadian Citizenship At Higher Rates Then...
Yup, Trudeau is nothing more then a brand! He's not a leader therefore he should not be followed. He's not an intellectual. He is a BRAND The Trudeau campaign and the creation of brand Trudeau was done...
View ArticlePutin arrives in Istanbul, Turkey, to attend World Energy Congress
TassAt the latest Security Council Meeting Venezuela alongside Russia vetoed the French resolution. Keep that in mind as you read the news.This is the president’s first official visit to Turkey after...
View ArticleRandy Newman's Propagandistic "Putin" Song- Propaganda is Insidious
Randy Newman- releases a song after oh so many years...... Hmmmm....Not that the world needs another Randy Newman song- Talentless hack that he isWho can forget his inane song "Short people"? Oh, you...
View ArticleHow the UN Can Ensure Aleppo Falls to Terrorists- Resolution 377A “Uniting...
The claim, made by the NYT's of saving Aleppo is, of course, entirely false.What the NATO allies really want, is to legitimize their remaking of the middle east, by have their shiny happy servile UN...
View ArticleRussia and Turkey Plot The Endgame in Aleppo
Recent Related Posts:Putin arrives in Istanbul, Turkey, to attend World Energy CongressOctober in Turkey. Putin's visit/Coup 2- New Relations- Gazprom DealAsia Times-M.K. Bhadrakumar By M.K....
View ArticleSyrian President Bashar al Assad Looks Positively on Russian/Turkish...
Damascus, SANA– President Bashar al-Assad said Syria looks positively at the improvement of relations between Moscow and Ankara recently.His remarks came in an interview with the Russian newspaper...
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