Seriously? Can it get any more obvious that Al Baghdadi is the spokesperson for the remake of the middle east?If you can’t grasp that by now.... you have to be either intentionally or willfully dumb. Or a misdirector? Can’t say which it is?
Al Baghdadi? Psychological Operation 101 replacement for OBL. Perhaps he'll come out on the side of the AGW (banker/green money grabber crowd) too? OBL was all concerned about human caused global warming too! Rolls eyes...
Let's get back to Al Baghdadi Imploring Followers to Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia
G & M
Mythopoeia- Abu Bakr al Baghdadi - July 2014
Let's go back to a post from 8 months ago
If you so choose, feel free to reread or indulge for the first time in this post:
December 23/2015: Sy Hersh: "Who Controls the Past Controls the Future......."
And yet from 2015 to date Turkey's annexed no territory at all.
Only the NATO backed Kurds aka ISIS have annexed territory- and I'm the 'bad person'. The simple minded one? Scott @Willyloman-American Everyman and myself seemed to be the only two pointing out thesefacts! How's that even possible?
And today Al- Baghdadi Says "Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia"
It was always in your face.
Al Baghdadi? Psychological Operation 101 replacement for OBL. Perhaps he'll come out on the side of the AGW (banker/green money grabber crowd) too? OBL was all concerned about human caused global warming too! Rolls eyes...
Let's get back to Al Baghdadi Imploring Followers to Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia
G & M
In his speech, Baghdadi called for attacks on Turkey and Saudi Arabia, saying the Sunni countries had both sided with the enemy in a war targeting Sunni Islam.Is Baghdadi a Sunni Muslim Kurd????
Islamic State fighters should “unleash the fire of their anger” on Turkish troops fighting them in Syria, and take the battle into Turkey.
“Turkey entered the zone of your operations, so attack it, destroy its security, and sow horror within it. Put it on your list of battlefields. Turkey entered the war with the Islamic State with cover and protection from Crusader jets,” he said referring to the U.S.-led air coalition.That reads just like a threat that would have been issued by Ocalan himself ?!
Baghdadi also told his followers to launch “attack after attack” in Saudi Arabia, targeting security forces, government officials, members of the ruling Al Saud family and media outlets, for “siding with the infidel nations in the war on Islam and the Sunna (Sunni Muslims) in Iraq and Syria”.Reuters
In his speech, Baghdadi called for attacks on Turkey and Saudi Arabia, saying the Sunni countries had both sided with the enemy in a war targeting Sunni Islam.
Islamic State fighters should "unleash the fire of their anger" on Turkish troops fighting them in Syria, and take the battle into Turkey.
"Turkey entered the zone of your operations, so attack it, destroy its security, and sow horror within it. Put it on your list of battlefields. Turkey entered the war with the Islamic State with cover and protection from Crusader jets," he said referring to the U.S.-led air coalition.
Baghdadi also told his followers to launch "attack after attack" in Saudi Arabia, targeting security forces, government officials, members of the ruling Al Saud family and media outlets, for "siding with the infidel nations in the war on Islam and the Sunna (Sunni Muslims) in Iraq and Syria".Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi- IS NATO’s PR spokesperson for their proxy mercenary army ISIS. He has now formally announced the next two targets for destabilization. Readers here have long been aware that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are marked nations. The destabilization of Turkey has been written about for 2 years already. Saudi Arabia, it’s destruction, has been written on only sporadically. I just don’t have time for it all
Mythopoeia- Abu Bakr al Baghdadi - July 2014
The US, of course, wants you to believe it is real. While the video may be a real video. My stance on this is there is NO Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Not a living human being. Not one individual. He is a composite. . He moves like the wind through the branches. You hear the branches, but, not al Baghdadi. He is everywhere. He is nowhere. He is whoever he is needed to be.Baghdadi’s background interconnects so very nicely with the US destruction and occupation of Iraq. And of course, the birthing of ISI/S! And that ain't no coincidence!
But by late 2005 he had been captured as a suspected mid-ranking figure in the anti-US Sunni insurgency. His jailers at Camp Bucca detention centre in southern Iraq have described him as inconspicuous.
After his release he was recruited to the military council of the Islamic State.
ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth.
- The roots of ISIS go back to Oct. 15, 2006, when what is known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) was established.
-The group emerged in the ashes of the U.S.-led invasion to oust Saddam Hussein as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)
More on the creation of ISIS: Al Qaeda + "Awakening Councils" = ISIS
Al Baghdadi- Mascot/Spokes Character...... Like Ronald McDonald!
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Other cartoons criticize the alleged US aid to the rise of ISIS with its invasion of Iraq in 2003 which overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein. |
Let's go back to a post from 8 months ago
Yes, Willy Loman, It’s about Blamin’ & Framin’ Turkey & Saudi Arabia
A response to Scott @ Willyloman-American Everyman that turned into an entire article!And it has been for a good long while now.
Why doesn’t it surprise me that some “peace group” was promoting regime change for Turkey?
I guess the garnering of public support at the “grassroots level” had to begin sometime, somewhere- Scott caught one of these groups in action. I’m sure there are other groups in other places pushing the same nonsense. Blaming Erdogan? It’s a fashionable thing to do. Lots of fashion victims around. Especially when a bigger agenda is at play. Turkey, the nation we know today, simply has to be gotten rid of. Because wrongs have to be righted and other such stupidity that will only lead to massive death, destruction and displacement.Of course there is much more to read in that post
Loved the little clip of Joe Biden in that documentary! The problem in the region is our allies- Yup, it was them that wanted Assad gone- Not the little old USA.... Oh, no the US is all about peace, sunshine, rainbows and ponies..... Let’s blame Turkey and Saudi Arabia. And that’s exactly what Biden did!
If you so choose, feel free to reread or indulge for the first time in this post:
December 23/2015: Sy Hersh: "Who Controls the Past Controls the Future......."
None the less there are some interesting aspects about this Hersh obfuscation/demonization. I find the article sets up the parameters for future spin.The expose appears, at least partially, to be a preparatory narrative for the blow back meme. And likely the the non cooperation between agencies narrative can also be extracted from the piece. Recalling the same type of account presented after 9/11.Yup. Mike Whitney, MoA, Zero Hedge and others had Turkey annexing everything in site!It also contains, what I consider to be, the framing and blaming of a future nation to be destabilized- Saudi Arabia. And the further demonizing of Turkey. Same as we've witnessed by the likes of Mike Whitney and other alt media darlings.: Mike Whitney- Obfuscating for NATO, AGAIN! Turkey to 'annex' Syria? Also today's post: Sibel Edmonds Explains the Erdogan TakedownNotice we got the same "annex" meme a short time ago with Turkey all set to annex Mosul and create a Sunnistan"PKK Occupy 3 Assyrian Iraqi Villages- Turks to Mosul and more
And yet from 2015 to date Turkey's annexed no territory at all.
Only the NATO backed Kurds aka ISIS have annexed territory- and I'm the 'bad person'. The simple minded one? Scott @Willyloman-American Everyman and myself seemed to be the only two pointing out thesefacts! How's that even possible?
And today Al- Baghdadi Says "Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia"
It was always in your face.