Kirkuk: Kurdish authorities demolish Arab Refugee Homes. KURDIShIS attacked...
How was it that ISIS made that sudden appearance and just as sudden disappearance in Kirkuk as an attempt at distracting Iraqi troops? KURDIShIS of course! The assault appeared aimed at diverting...
View ArticleHow NATO Is Trying to Sabotage the Turkey-Russia Reset
hattip Ally! Ally October 28, 2016 at 6:58 AM Insider Originally appeared at Indian PunchlineThe Secretary-General of...
View ArticleAllies Resist US Plan to Attack Raqqa?? What's Going On Here???
I've noticed the past week or so...Russia is not flying over Aleppo.Turkey is not flying over Syria.Straight up, I don't believe Turkey is not flying because of warnings from Syria. Nor do I believe...
View ArticleThe US & Israel's Taking of Raqqa Impeded by Intermeddlers
It’s quite clear that there are complications in the US plan to take Raqqa- As part of their ongoing remake the middle east agenda. I’ve been trying to flesh out exactly what is the problem for the US....
View ArticlePrototype of Panic- Orson Welles' War of the Worlds: An Experiment in Mass...
In honour of Halloween- Let's take a walk back to 1938 and recall the radio broadcast of Orson Welles'... "War of the Worlds"A broadcast that stands out in history as possibly the first large scale,...
View ArticleOh Canada?! : Law Enforcement Surveils Journalists in Canda
A journalist who coincidentally has written unfavourable news items about law enforcmentWhere are the phony little SJW’s? The ones who are all outraged, for purposes of mass manipulation of course-...
View ArticleOntario, Canada: Our Fatal Future! A Place to Live? A Place to Live Broke!
A peeve of mine! Likely a peeve of every resident of Ontario, Canada. Electricity Rates! Sky High!Was talking with GreenCrow about this last week. Penny said...WhoooohoooooJustin booed- yeah!I get a...
View ArticleTurkey: No US Cooperation on Safe Zone/Border Wall Construction Continues &...
Unsurprisingly the 'kurds' are willing to die to annex Raqqa! First, what should have been obvious..The US and Turkey are NOT WORKING TOGETHER to create safe zones for refugeesThe United States is not...
View ArticleAl Baghdadi Says Target Turkey and Saudi Arabia.. "I Can See For Miles & Miles"
Seriously? Can it get any more obvious that Al Baghdadi is the spokesperson for the remake of the middle east?If you can’t grasp that by now.... you have to be either intentionally or willfully dumb....
View ArticleTurkey Protecting Border from US Middle East Remake.Turkey, Russia, Syria To...
Some interesting talk in this Sputnik article-Alarmed by US plans to redraw the borders of the Middle East, Turkey's activities in Iraq, and willingness to align forces with Russia and the Syria...
View ArticleSyria's Kurds Announce "Euphrates Rage" There will be Ethnic Cleansing of Arabs
The Kurds announce the launch of military operation with their US besties to annex Raqqa from Syria:The chosen name of the US/Kurdish operation- "Euphrates Rage" makes clear this is both a response to...
View ArticleWhose Timeline Will Win In Raqqa? Was the US forced Into a Move on Raqqa?
Quite frankly the move by the US backed Kurdish terrorist militias on Raqqa caught me off guard! Syria's Kurds Announce "Euphrates Rage" There will be Ethnic Cleansing of ArabsVery little fanfare for...
View ArticleSerial Flu Shots Reduced Ability to Fight Virus in the Future- Post Flu...
Has everyone noticed the signs outside of every pharmaceutical temple, in every town, advertising flu shots? Every time I see one of these question pops into my mind. If the vaccine was...
View ArticleUS Led Coalition Should Stop Turkey's Advances Towards Raqqa
Isn't this interesting news?Sputnik:Just yesterday Dunford was giving the impression everything was hunky dory with Turkey?-Was he spinning? (which was my suspicion?) -Or do we have divided loyalties...
View ArticleThe Kurds’ Proxy Trap? No Meme Kurdish History
I'm not certain how many times the writings of Ofra Bengio have been featured here?This is certainly not the first or second time! Ofra writes quite regularly about the Kurds.Their history. Maybe their...
View ArticleJay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War Psy Ops & the Bomb Almighty
Finally got to catch up with Part 7 of Jay Dyer's "Tragedy and Hope"If you've not caught the previous 6 parts, some of them are here, but all of them are available at Jay's site or Jay's You Tube...
View ArticleAleksander Dugin Visits Turkey- Moscow & Ankara Discuss Deploying Air Defense...
Hattip Ally for some interesting info! AllyNovember 8, 2016 at 9:21 AM...
View ArticleThe Donald Triumphs!
Hillary and her extensive network of crooked cronies couldn't even steal this election. I actually watched a bit of election news coverage last night and it was obvious to me who Martha Radditz and...
View ArticleIs the US getting it's "colour revolution"? - Identity Politics aka Divide to...
A colour revolution fomented via identity politics? Sure looks that way!When I made this comment: "US election- Think I said this last year and I'm stickin' with it- It's a Clinton steal/winAnd a lose...
View ArticleArab ‘element’ withdraws from Raqqa Offensive- Doubting Ethnic Cleansing by...
This news, certainly, corroborates my earlier claims-Is the US going to reign the PKK/YPG militia in?I certainly don't think they will. How about You?“The Raqqa offensive is on shaky footing now that a...
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