Cavusoglu speaks regarding US insistence for PKK/YPG at the peace table:
Washington is NOT making mistakes. Washington is making calculated moves. As it has all along. Washington has been notably absent from the cooperative deal to broker the Syrian ceasefire, between Turkey and Moscow, because Washington doesn't want a ceasefire or a peace deal.
KurdIShIS has no place at peace talks
"If you are going to invite a terror group to the table then you might as well invite Al Nusra and Daesh"
"We do not deny the US role and contribution (to the talks), but we expect the following from the new US administration: It must stop co-operating with terror groups," he said.
"The current (US) administration is making serious mistakes,"he said.
While Washington has played a key role in attempts to bring Syria's warring parties to the negotiating table in the past, ithas been notably absent from the cooperation between Ankara and Moscow to broker a nationwide ceasefirethat is meant to pave the way for the 23 January peace talks.
Russia and Turkey are keen for a deal to end the conflict.
Washington is NOT making mistakes. Washington is making calculated moves. As it has all along. Washington has been notably absent from the cooperative deal to broker the Syrian ceasefire, between Turkey and Moscow, because Washington doesn't want a ceasefire or a peace deal.
KurdIShIS has no place at peace talks