Alexander Mercouris-Enshrinement of Russian/Turkish Ceasefire at UN ?
Via Saker: but From the Duran "As my colleague Adam Garrie has previously reported, on 31st December 2016 the United Nations Security Council unanimously supported Resolution 2336, a Russian drafted...
View ArticleTake 2: Alexander Mercouris-Enshrinement of Russian/Turkish Ceasefire at UN ?
As mentioned in yesterday’s post I’d left 2 comments at Saker’s regarding a specific claim made by Alexander Mercouris in his latest article-Yesterday's post: Alexander Mercouris-Enshrinement of...
View ArticleTurkey Questioning NATO’s Use of Incirlik- Sever Ties With YPG/PKK
Al monitorLink 2Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu renewed calls today for Washington to sever ties with the Syrian Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the top ally of the US-led...
View ArticleTurkey: Pity the Nation That is Fooled Twice
My intention was to get back to the Istanbul shooting today.. Sadly it's not working out for me. Getting sidetracked with other topics. I'll get back to that tomorrow. Instead I'm featuring an oped...
View ArticleErdogan And The Geopolitical Box Of Pandora
Via Southfront:I found this interesting Written by Boyan Chukov; Originally appeared at A-specto, translated by Valentina Tzoneva exclusively for SouthFrontFamous French experts on Turkey, in...
View ArticleCanadian Woman Arrested For Insulting Facebook Posts? Absurd!
Link- Windsor StarThe headline making the rounds today about this woman from Ontario and her facebooks posts being the reason for her arrest, just didn’t pass muster. I was suspicious. Of course. So I...
View ArticleEurope Shivers Due to AGW Aka “Human Forced “ Global Warming? Ontario's Junta...
Global Warming/ "Human Forced" of course- Oh wait a minute it's freakin' freezing! "Human Forced" Just taking note of yet another rebrand... as Ontario begins the new year with a big fat carbon tax-...
View ArticleUS Military Fueling Big Ambitions For PKK/YPG Terrorists
WaPo being pretty out in the open here with the arming, training and indoctrination of and by PKK/YPG. Long term readers here won't be shocked by any of the information contained in the Washington...
View ArticleBashar Al Assad Interview January 2017
About 11 minutes- Questions in French. Bashar Assad answers in English
View ArticleThe Reunification of Syria- PKK/YPG not Invited to Astana
Hoping you listened to the brief interview posted earlier today?Here it is again Bashar Al Assad Interview January 2017If you haven't yet you probably shouldAn oped from Gwynne Dyer: A first or maybe...
View ArticleMSM Employs Fake News Tactic. Wags the Long Dead Nazi
This guy is supposed to have died 16 years ago, allegedly. But like Bin Laden and Baghdadi he will live again.. Because, the media chooses to make him real. Catapulting the propaganda- To keep specific...
View ArticleSyrian Peace Talks : January 23rd Kazakhstan
TASSASTANA, January 11. /TASS/. Kazakhstan confirms its readiness to host the talks on the Syrian settlement in Astana, the country’s Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov said during the open debate in...
View ArticleIsrael-Turkey pipeline hangs on Cyprus peace talks- A Fail Benefits Russia
JPA behind the scenes peek into some wranglings over resource control. Share some thoughts?The greatest beneficiary of a failure in Geneva would be Russia and its efforts to further expand its widening...
View ArticleTurkey, Russia sign agreement of coordinating air operations in Syria
LinkTurkey and Russia signed an agreement on Thursday to establish mechanisms and coordination for the safety of military aviation in Syria, the Turkish army said. The meetings were held in Moscow...
View ArticleBreaking: Israel Attacks Syria... Yet Again
RT as it unfoldsUndoubtedly in support of their terrorists.. Syrian state news agency SANA says Israeli jets have bombed the Mezzeh military airport west of Damascus, accusing Tel Aviv of supporting...
View ArticleYet more "Fake News": ISIS Destroys Mosul Bridges? What's CNN Saying Here?
"ISIS destroys Mosul bridges as troops advance"Yes, that is the CNN headline. Except it's not correct. Unless CNN is telling us that ISIS is the US? Which is the truth. But, is that really what CNN is...
View ArticleIf You Invite YPG/PKK May As Well Have ISIS at Astana too!
Cavusoglu speaks regarding US insistence for PKK/YPG at the peace table: "If you are going to invite a terror group to the table then you might as well invite Al Nusra and Daesh""We do not deny the US...
View ArticleISIS Launches New assault on Deir al- Zour Syria- Flashback Inc
"Islamic State" aka KurdISHIS militants launched their biggest assault in a year on government-held areas of the contested city of Deir el-Zour Saturday, attacking from several fronts and triggering...
View ArticleGreek Minister Responsible for Derailing Cyprus Talks: Obvious Provocation!
I’ve been trying to keep tabs on the Cyprus talks. It’s not easy, time constraints etc., It seems to me that Cyprus is being used to provoke Turkey. The media here is pushing the usual “bad Turkey”...
View ArticleWhy Russia Might Want the Cyprus Talks to Fail?
Bloomberg viewIt’s an interesting read, so, do read it all at the link above. While the Russians may wish to maintain the status quo, concerning Cyprus, it is not likely, in my opinion, they want open...
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