Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Ken Roth from HRW. Spins for NATO despite significant lingering doubts

Human Rights Watch show their true colours in this RT interview of Ken Roth, executive director of HRW:
Bombing for Peace

 The loaded language is very interesting. His organization is quite obviously a NATO propaganda tool.Clearly. Not that I had any doubt, but, just in case anyone else did?

Ken Roth makes many false or misleading claims including:

-Claiming Assad undertook the chemical attacks. Conveniently the same stance as US/Israel
-Claiming NATO mercs do not have weapons the do indeed have.
-Claiming the casualty total from the chemical is the exact same number as the US, when those numbers are completely unsubstantiated
-Claiming the NATO mercs do not have access to chemical weapons when they do and have used them previously
- Ken Roth uses obvious name calling/demonization tactics towards Syria and Russia. Calling Russia "the nyet nation" and not wanting to give up "on their murderous ally". WOW!
"We don't have to bomb anybody" "Assads killing machine"
Claims there was no intent to over throw the Syrian government??

Really Ken Roth? NATO whore.

And Kudos to the RT interviewer. What a difference tough questions can make. To bad we don't have north american/western journalists asking anything but softball questions.

Perhaps Ken Roth can read this article??

 Lingering doubts over Syria gas attack evidence

-The U.S. government insists it has the intelligence to prove it, but the American public has yet to see a single piece of concrete evidence — no satellite imagery, no transcripts of Syrian military communications

-What's missing from the public record is direct proof, rather than circumstantial evidence, tying this to the regime.

- But multiple requests to view that satellite imagery have been denied, though the administration produced copious amounts of satellite imagery earlier in the war to show the results of the Syrian regime's military onslaught. When asked Friday whether such imagery would be made available showing the Aug. 21 incident, a spokesman referred The Associated Press to a map produced by the White House last week that shows what officials say are the unconfirmed areas that were attacked.

-The Obama administration maintains it intercepted communications from a senior Syrian official on the use of chemical weapons, but requests to see that transcript have been denied.

Inconsistencies over the death toll and other details related to the attack also have fueled doubts among skeptics.

The Obama administration says 1,429 people died in 12 locations mostly east of the capital, an estimate close to the one put out by the Western-backed Syrian National Coalition.When asked for victims' names, however, the group provided a list of 395.On that list, some of the victims were identified by a first name only or said to be members of a certain family. There was no explanation for the hundreds of missing names.

In Ghouta, Majed Abu Ali, a spokesman for 17 clinics and field hospitals near Damascus, produced the same list, saying the hospitals were unable to identify all the dead.

Casualty estimates by other groups are far lower: The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says it only counts victims identified by name, and that its current total stands at 502. It has questioned the U.S. number and urged the Obama administration to release the information its figure is based on. The AP also has repeatedly asked for clarification on those numbers.

The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders says it has not been able to update its initial Aug. 24 estimate of 355 killed because communication with those on the ground around Damascus is difficult. That estimate was based on reports from three hospitals in the area supported by the group.

Moreover, the group, whose initial report was cited in U.S. and British intelligence assessments, has rejected the use of it "as a justification for military action," adding in a disclaimer published on its website that the group does not have the capacity to identify the cause of the neurotoxic symptoms of patients nor the ability to determine responsibility for the attack.

395 from Syrian National Coalition
502 from Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
355 from Doctors without Borders- An organization that made clear they do not have the capacity to identify the cause of neurotoxic symptoms.

Tsk, tsk Ken Roth and HRW. Tsk, tsk,

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