I could come back here today and talk to you all in an expanded fashion about the latest developments regarding Syria. Such as yet, another UN resolution put forth by France.
Or how it is that Russia and Syria are cooperating to get the alleged chemical weapons stores under international control.
And, you may or may not know that yet another person has come forward to report that the NATO mercs used chemical weapons, not the Assad government or the Syrian army.
But, I don’t want to delve deeply into those aspects today.
Instead let us talk about Israel...... It seems to be about the right time to do so again. Israel the alleged ‘silent’ party. The nation that we are told repeatedly, ad nauseum, wants to dance with the devil it knows in Syria, because it fears the ‘Islamists”. None of those claims are credible. In fact there has been an abundance of sheer nonsense, obfuscation, lies and absurdities spouted regarding Israel’s (non?) involvement in the destabilization of Syria. So, I will give that to you straight up, as I have on untold numerous, previous occasions here at the blog. Israel has been involved from the get go, most probably since the very planning stages and Israel is pushing & pushing for this war in a manner that can be described as unrelenting. The push is blatantly in opposition to the usual media spin regarding Israel's 'non involvement'
Or how it is that Russia and Syria are cooperating to get the alleged chemical weapons stores under international control.
And, you may or may not know that yet another person has come forward to report that the NATO mercs used chemical weapons, not the Assad government or the Syrian army.
But, I don’t want to delve deeply into those aspects today.
Instead let us talk about Israel...... It seems to be about the right time to do so again. Israel the alleged ‘silent’ party. The nation that we are told repeatedly, ad nauseum, wants to dance with the devil it knows in Syria, because it fears the ‘Islamists”. None of those claims are credible. In fact there has been an abundance of sheer nonsense, obfuscation, lies and absurdities spouted regarding Israel’s (non?) involvement in the destabilization of Syria. So, I will give that to you straight up, as I have on untold numerous, previous occasions here at the blog. Israel has been involved from the get go, most probably since the very planning stages and Israel is pushing & pushing for this war in a manner that can be described as unrelenting. The push is blatantly in opposition to the usual media spin regarding Israel's 'non involvement'
Israel/NATO Islamic IDF Below is a selection of articles clearly demonstrating the Israeli push to strike Syria 1. Lobbying Group for Israel to Press Congress on Syria The push by the group, known as Aipac, which included asking its supporters to call members of Congress, came as Israeli newspapers reported Monday that President Obama urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to get personally involved in lobbying Congress. The reports said that Mr. Netanyahu had called several members himself.I highlighted the 'unconfirmed report' wording, because there is NOTHING to show that Obama urged Netanyahu to get personally involved. That is an unsubstantiated claim to obfuscate the fact that it is Israel pushing hard on the US to hit Syria and move on to Iran. To go to war for Israel! 2.Why Israel Supports the Syria Strike The Israelis fully support U.S. intervention, despite the grave danger it poses to Israel. They think American action now will commit us to striking Iran later on—and they may be right. 3. Pro-Israel Lobby Seeks to Turn Tide on Syria Debate in Congress 4. Adelson New Obama Ally as Jewish Groups Back Syria Strike 5. Pro-Israel groups publicly back U.S. action in Syria Three influential pro-Israel groups urged U.S. lawmakers on Tuesday to authorize President Barack Obama to launch an attack on Syria.
6. Obama with Israel and Against the World 7. Israel: The missing link in Syria puzzle: Adrian Salbuchi @ RT Excerpted below: But let’s look at three factors that are missing in the ongoing analysis of the Syrian crisis:1) Israel Ever since the two Gulf wars, America has been fighting Israelis’ wars for them. In the case of the 2003 invasion and destruction of Iraq, this was so obvious that the very same NeoCons who in 1996-7 planned war against Iraq in their “Project for a New American Century (PNAC)” think-tank - Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Bush, Douglas Feith, David Wormser and others – would later execute that war in 2003 as top officers in the George W. Bush regime. The prime reason: Saddam Hussein was then the greatest threat to “democratic and favored ally” Israel. As the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Bin Mohammed, once famously pointed out: "The Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them."
2) Israel The excessive and overpowering role that Zionism plays in American politics, American finance, American universities, American mainstream media including it Hollywood “entertainment industry,” and over American foreign policy, has been all but proven. This vital issue today lies at the heart of an increasingly far-reaching debate among America’s intelligentsia, which is, of course, being hushed up by the mainstream media. 3) Israel
President Barack Obama’s problem right now is that America’s military establishment is very much aware of the stakes involved in any “preventive attack” against Syria and, much more importantly, against Iran. Intervention against either or both countries will undoubtedly lead to massive war in the Middle East.