Anyone who naively believes that the "extinction rebellion" and the house burning rubbish is anything but pure perception management aka mind control... MOVE ON. You can't be helped. Remain willfully blind. If you want to understand how you, I and billions of others are being played on a global scale? READ ON!
Not just in Vancouver"Students in Canada are expected to participate in climate demonstrations beginning this Friday, and some school boards are moving to allow — even encourage — them to miss class for the cause."
Chronic Stress Can Damage Your Heart and Brain-It's unhealthy. Except when you mind controlling the masses? For the benefit of global profiteers? Then it's perfectly wonderful. And profitable.
Repeating the highlighted"To evaluate whether we are currently in a climate crisis, the public will look to each other — and particularly to the climate organizations, writers, and leaders. Are they calling it an emergency? Does the tone of their writing and statements convey alarm and a passionate desire for massive action to avert imminent crisis?
To evaluate whether we are in a climate crisis we need climate organizations, their writers and leaders to call it an emergency and convey alarm???
In plain talk it's up to NGO's employing psychological manipulations/ors and their minions to convince the public there is an emergency.
Stating the obvious here readers- saying there is an emergency doesn't make it so.
Nah, It's all good here.
Just making a point. A claim of a house fire, does not a house fire make!
The linked article is a big read. It will take 40 plus minutes of your time to read how it is you're being played. It's enlightening.
It was an RT article that enabled me to find and read the clinical psychologist's lengthy discourse Greta Thunberg wants you afraid, and big business will make a killing off it
Big business profiteering and bigger government control enabled by the anti life cult has been discussed repeatedly here.
Perception Management:
"Perception"is defined as the "process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them"
"Management"the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
" Perception Management": the technique that involves carefullyaltering the perceptions of a target audience to suit the objectives of the sponsor.
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clinical psychology in action |
Ms Salmon is a clinical psychologist- Her entire article is about how successfully the the masses have been manipulated through the inducing of irrationality and fear in order to create a sense of emergency. Aided by the media, of course. Reducing the masses to rats responding to stimuli. Is that how you see yourself? I'm sure you don't. But it's certainly how you are seen by the perception managers and the profiteers who employ them.
Clinical psychology and marketing work hand and glove- Careers in and Related to Psychology
Advertising. Public Relations. Marketing. Fund Raising
Leading the Public Into Emergency Mode: Introducing the Climate Emergency Movement
44 min read
"Imagine there is a fire in your house.
What do you do?
What do you think about?You do whatever you can to try to put out the fire or exit the house. You make a plan of action.
Your senses are heightened, you are focused like a laser, and you put your entire self into your actions. You enter emergency mode.
In this paper, I will introduce the psychological concept of “emergency mode” which is how individuals and groups function optimally during an existential or moral crisis — often achieving great feats through intensely focused motivation. I will argue that the goal of the climate movement must be to lead the public out of “normal” mode and into emergency mode.
The initial publication of Leading the Public into Emergency Mode in 2016 suggested this approach as a “New Strategy for the Climate Movement.” I am absolutely thrilled to report that in the 3 years since publication, this approach — both as a policy program and as a mode of campaigning and communicating, has been adopted by an extremely energized set of organizations. My claim that embracing the truth and campaigning for an emergency response to the climate crisis would be highly effective is proving true. The climate emergency movement has exploded onto the US and global political scene, and is growing all the time.
That's right this has been going on since 2016.This updated and revised essay 1) explains the theory and practice of “emergency mode,” and 2) introduces the organizations and campaigns that comprise the Climate Emergency Movement, as humanity’s best hope"
Breakthrough: a Climate Emergency Movement now exists!The existence of a climate emergency movement speaks only to the fact that the movement exists. It exists because it's been created. By a clinical psychologist. By her own admission.
"I ( Margaret Salmon Phd- Clinical Psychology) founded and now direct a national volunteer based think tank and advocacy organization called The Climate Mobilization (TCM) that is based on an understanding of emergency mode,as well as the transformative power of climate truth. We launched in 2014, telling the truth about the Climate Emergency — it is an acute and existential threat to us all — and advocating for a WWII-Scale Climate Mobilization to eliminate emissions in 10 years or less, and initiate a massive drawdown program.
At the end of 2018, the dam finally burst and the Climate Emergency Movement has emerged, finally, as a powerful force. This movement tells the truth about the scale of the crisis, and demands a “Green New Deal” or a WWII-scale climate mobilization — a 10 year transition to zero emissions plus drawdown. Led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Justice Democrats in Congress, the Sunrise Movement, Zero Hour, School Strikers, and Extinction Rebellion in the streets, this movement has burst forth with tremendous force and momentum"
Does this movement "tell the truth"? That's their claim. However, I've yet to see truth. Just lots of PR trickery. Of the same type that has been employed when a destabilization is desired. If this movement did "tell truth" they wouldn't and shouldn't need to resort to such hysteria, psychological trickery and heavy duty perception management. Still 3 years of perception managing, media induced hysteria fronted by a young messiah known as Greta Thunberg have finally emerged as a powerful force for change?In other words we've been played for 3 long years...
young people are so useful in this regard
Good thing for the elites and global corp that most people accept unquestioningly and simply go along to get along. But there are still some out there that question it all.*Greta Thunberg: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence
* Vancouver school board will allow students to skip class to attend global climate strikesNewsflash to the young and gullible in Vancouver...You're not "skipping" class if your school allows it. However it's nice rhetoric and surely feeds into you need to rebel. And belong. You're all simply being played, like a violin, by the system.
Not just in Vancouver"Students in Canada are expected to participate in climate demonstrations beginning this Friday, and some school boards are moving to allow — even encourage — them to miss class for the cause."
You're not "skipping" class if your school allows it.
"The Climate Mobilization is proud to have made critical contributions to these breakthroughs, by developing, building, and spreading the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign, through policy development...
This paper is based on a combination of theory and practice. I have researched social movements, flow states, and more, to develop the concept of emergency mode, and these ideas have been developed and refined through my experience in running TCM"
Is it any wonder that Greta Thunberg comes across as a neurotic young woman? Being subjected to this mind control on a regular basis would cause anyone psychological harm. Because, that's what it's intended to do. Emergency mode is a departure from normal functioning. Except, It's not healthy to stay in "emergency mode" This is not the way to show caring and concern for children's well being or their future. This is the way to say despair and hopelessness.Emergency mode occurs when an individual or group faces an existential threat, accepts that there is a life-threatening emergency and reorients by:Emergency mode is a fundamental departure from “normal” mode of functioning.
- Adjusting their hierarchy of priorities so that solving the emergency is the clear top priority
- Deploying a huge amount of resources toward solving the crisis
- Giving little priority to personal gratification and self-esteem enhancement for their own sake, and instead seeking them through engagement with the emergency. People seek to “do their part” to solve the crisis and build their skills to contribute more effectively.
Chronic Stress Can Damage Your Heart and Brain-It's unhealthy. Except when you mind controlling the masses? For the benefit of global profiteers? Then it's perfectly wonderful. And profitable.
"This is a critical point, with grave implications for the climate movement. To evaluate whether we are currently in a climate crisis, the public will look to each other — and particularly to the climate organizations, writers, and leaders. Are they calling it an emergency? Does the tone of their writing and statements convey alarm and a passionate desire for massive action to avert imminent crisis? Are they demanding an emergency response? Are they acting like it’s an emergency? Are they themselves in emergency mode? If the answer to these questions is “no,” the individual will conclude that there must not be an emergency, or that emergency action is hopeless because the leaders are apparently unwilling to coordinate emergency action."
clinical psychology in public relations
Repeating the highlighted"To evaluate whether we are currently in a climate crisis, the public will look to each other — and particularly to the climate organizations, writers, and leaders. Are they calling it an emergency? Does the tone of their writing and statements convey alarm and a passionate desire for massive action to avert imminent crisis?
To evaluate whether we are in a climate crisis we need climate organizations, their writers and leaders to call it an emergency and convey alarm???
In plain talk it's up to NGO's employing psychological manipulations/ors and their minions to convince the public there is an emergency.
Stating the obvious here readers- saying there is an emergency doesn't make it so.
"My house is on fire" Do you believe me? You should because I'm telling you so and Oh MY GOD.... MY HOUSE IS BURNING!! MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!! SMOKE IS POURING OUT THE WINDOWS. HELP. HELP. AAAAAHHHHHH............Emergency Threat.
"The climate movement must fully adopt the language of immediate crisis and existential danger. We must talk about climate change as threatening to cause the collapse of civilization, killing billions of people, and causing the extinction of millions of species. These horrific outcomes await us during this century, possibly even in the first half of it if things truly slip out of control. This is not a matter of “protecting the planet for future generations” but protecting our own lives and those of the people we care about. We are in danger now and in coming years and decades. The climate crisis is, far and away, our top national security threat, top public health threat, and top threat to the global economy."Emergency Solution
"In order to lead people into emergency mode, and avoid panic mode, it is critical that the emergency threat is paired with an emergency solution.Climate groups must match their emergency rhetoric with an emergency advocacy. Suppose that someone told you, “Help! The house is on fire! Can you please pour a glass of water on it? One glass is all it needs!” You would be confused. If we are really dealing with a house on fire, how could a solution be so simple and easy? You would suspect that there was no crisis, just exaggeration. Likewise, when the scale of the necessary response to the climate crisis is minimized, it prevents people from entering emergency mode. We need to “come out” as being in emergency mode — climate “alarmists,” as horrified by the crisis, and as ready to make major changes in our life and the economy, for the duration of the emergency"
Nah, It's all good here.
Just making a point. A claim of a house fire, does not a house fire make!
The linked article is a big read. It will take 40 plus minutes of your time to read how it is you're being played. It's enlightening.
It was an RT article that enabled me to find and read the clinical psychologist's lengthy discourse Greta Thunberg wants you afraid, and big business will make a killing off it
Big business profiteering and bigger government control enabled by the anti life cult has been discussed repeatedly here.
Extinction Rebellion’s call for “net zero” atmospheric carbon is shared by The World Bank, and a host of neoliberal think-tanks and financiers.Except while the Extinction Rebellion marchers may have taken to the streets in fear of the apocalypse, the financial titans support this movement with a view to getting their grubby hands into public coffers.
Put simply, financial giants want your pensions and your taxes to support their investments half a world away. Greta Thunberg and The Climate Emergency Movement are paralyzing you with fear, and knowingly or unknowingly aiding the interests of the world’s mega-rich.
The same activists who call for collective guilt and punitive taxes on the western taxpayer are enabling a new breed of green capitalism, one that will make a select few fabulously rich, while the rest of us choke down meatless hamburgers and pay our politicians to tax us into oblivionMeatless hamburgers won't be the worst thing we'll be chokin' down:
- Cannibalism for the climate
- Dumbed down, docility and senility
- Totalitarianism
- Pre-emptive War on China, Russia and India "to save the planet"
"Progressive children already believe they are “fighting for [their] lives” by marching in protest against climate inaction. I say give them what they want and let them actually fight for their lives. These children should be filled with patriotic zeal and fervor, knowing that they would be making a true difference and could be the first kid on their block to get a confirmed kill in the name of saving the planet. Progressive parents should be proud to send their sons and daughters by the tens of millions across the globe to kill an enemy standing in the way of human progress."