CDC: Covid Prevention For the Mask Wearer?
Are you a mannequin? Made of plastic or some other petroleum product? With an empty headed and a vacuous stare? A dullard who never says anything of interest? Or anything at all? Perhaps you are obsessed with the latest fashion? And are deeply indebted for it all? If you fit that description this latest "scientific briefing" is JUST for YOU! Or a reasonable facsimile of a live aware being you might just be? Whichever?
Live Or LARPing |
Priceless “science” from the CDC. Check the manipulative language.
The CDC posted a new scientific brief discussing recent studies finding that a wearer gets some protection.
A scientific brief?
“The agency’s guidance didn’t change.”
In spite of this insightful scientific brief? Imagine that?
“Agency officials were influenced by a recent study led by Japanese researchers who used mannequin heads and artificial respirators to simulate the spread of coronavirus particles through the air, and assess how well masks blocked transmission.”
Influenced by a study of mannequin heads and artificial respirators. Well, that’s real world, right?! Not even going to touch the “conclusions” from a “scientific brief” that involved mannequin heads, respirators and masks..
“The study didn’tperfectlymimic most real-world situations. For example, the heads were closer together than six feet, and the exhaling mannequin head was doing more of a constant cough than regular breathing.”
Say it isn't so! Coughing mannequins didn't perfectly mimic the real world?
The "scientific brief"had nothing to do with the real world. Or real world situations. Or science for that matter. Unless your are a continuously coughing mannequin head standing close to other mannequins
Science. How low can it go?
FYI: Commodity defined.
Grain, precious metals, electricity, oil, beef, orange juice, and natural gas are traditional examples of commodities
A face mask is not a commodity.
Though there has been a clear attempt to commodify face masks.
Face masks, are not commodities. Only a real idiot would write such rubbish.
I'm not sure why more people have clued in to the reality that masks are everywhere- worn by the masses and their are more positive Covid tests results then ever?
Real Time PCR Testing In Canada: Cycle Thresholds and Grossly Innacurate Test Results- Take the REAL Science to the Politicos
PCR "Pandemic" Testing- Please Raise This Issue With Your Public Politicos Including Health Officers-