Recall my post on the seasonality of the Coronavirus? You can find it embedded to the right, but, it will be accessible below as well:
* Reality vs Fallacy: Covid Seasonality FACTS vs LIES of Vaccine Efficacy- The Pandemic's Big Human Experiment
Second and most importantly for this report the coronavirus, like all other corona/respiratory viruses have a seasonality.
The case was made that the illusion of vaccine success, depended on a roll out of the jab, when the seasonal spread of the respiratory virus would be at it's natural low point.
The current outbreak in the Seychelles is demonstrating the correctness of that thesis so very beautifully. I couldn't ask for more. If you recall the Seychelles was an alleged vaccine success story. The most covid vaxxed country in the world and an island to boot! . Making it easier to demonstrate success, if that was to be the case? And also showing failure quite clearly as well.
The Seychelles is located in the southern hemisphere. Seasonally speaking it would be fall to early winter in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE. As would be expected with seasonal viruses there is an increase in cases.
First covered in this report: WHO Reviews Seychelles Covid Data As Fully Vaccinated People Test Positive-Seychelles Most Jabbed Country In the World
"The archipelago kicked off an aggressive vaccination drive to inoculate its population of nearly 100,000 and soon became the world’s most vaccinated country.
In spite of these impressive vaccination figures, Seychelles this week reported the highest number of Covid-19 cases per capita, worse than a country like India which has not even 3 per cent of its population fully vaccinated. According to Our World in Data, the latest rolling 7-day average for daily new Covid-19 cases per capita in Seychelles is more than twice India’s.
Experts have been watching the situation in Seychelles closely for what it says about the effectiveness of vaccines"
What's clearly said is the experimental vaccines are a fail. The outbreak continues with a stubbornly stuck rolling seven day average. Yes, the Seychelles, most covid vaxxed country in the world has been dealing with an ongoing outbreak of Covid- Solution to failed vaxx? More vaxx! Of course!
What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result!
The Public Health Commissioner, Jude Gedeon, told a press conference on Thursday that "we are saying that six months after getting the second dose, we will see if a booster shot is necessary and if that is the case it will be given around August."So a third dose? And then a fourth and a fifth? How many experimental genetic therapies need be injected into the test subjects before a test failure is declared?
Seychelles rolled out its COVID-19 vaccination programme in January and to date, 66,543 people have been vaccinated which is 68 percent of the total population of 98,462
January would be warmer in Seychelles. June would be cooler
" From November to March, there is a rainy and muggy season due to the northwest monsoon, while from June to September, when the southeast trade winds prevail, there is a dry and slightly cooler season"
As covered here
"Our results do not imply that the disease will vanish during summer or will not affect countries close to the equator," the authors wrote in their paper, published April 27 in the journal Scientific Reports. "Rather, the higher temperatures and more intense UV [ultraviolet] radiation in summer are likely to support public health measures to contain SARS-CoV-2," the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19.
Clearly rolling out a vaccine campaign based on viral seasonality will create an illusion of success. But if the vaccine is a fail it's failure will also be shown. Which is the case at hand!
Seychelles presently has 1,293 active cases .
Gedeon said as the weekly rolling average maintains a flattening in the number of cases, all restriction measures will remain in place.Australia: Also in the southern hemisphere...........
"A sustained flattening of weekly rolling average is not a good thing as it means that community transmission is persisting. We wanted to see it going downwards," he added.
LOCKDOWNS KILL and TYRANNY, medical or otherwise, is still TYRANNY.
- Related:Gaming Our Lives- Pandemic Control Grid Transitions and the "Internet of Bodies" Alison McDowell
Still, more failure to impede transmissions:
Two passengers on fully vaccinated cruise test positive for covid-19- Everyone experimented upon with "vaccine". All tested negative prior to embarking on cruise.
Two guests on a fully vaccinated cruise ship have tested positive for Covid-19.
The passengers were onboard ship Celebrity Millennium, which set sail from St Maarten in the Caribbean last Saturday.The vaxx doesn't fail to cause harm, injury or death. Stay tuned for more news on that front!
The positive individuals, who were sharing a room onboard, were discovered while the ship was conducting mandatory end-of-cruise testing, completed 72 hours before disembarkation.
Everybody onboard Celebrity Millennium had been fully vaccinated, including all crew and guests.
All guests were required to show proof of vaccination as well as a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours of departure from St Maarten, as required by Royal Caribbean.