Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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US Infrastructure (B3W) Scheme to Rival China’s Belt and Road Moves Ahead


* B3W Stands for Build Back Better World- Keep that in mind.

One elephant in the room has always been the creation of a “Greater Kurdistan” and it's planned placement as impediment to China's project. Repeatedly covered here and at Nomadic Everyman's blog.The destruction has been massive already including annexation, displacement, land theft and mass murder. All of it human misery inducing but very profitable for the banking/military/oil complex.Largely ignored by all other so called geopolitical analysts who simply can't or refuse to see the bigger picture. The Covid psyop plays into the B3W world. As do the Uigher human rights ‘concerns’ Not all warfare requires armaments. I'll relink a number of my previous reports.....

  As has been expressed previously, implanting the idea of Covid-19 as originating in a lab in China, as something released due to extreme negligence or maliciousness has it’s basis in the planned by the US, confrontation of China. The blame and frame narrative necessitates that these already desired goals will have to spring into action. These plans will now be justified and prioritized.  The goal posts have now been moved

Goal Posts Moved-

* G7 backs Biden infrastructure plan to rival China’s belt and road initiative. Scheme is part of wider push for G7 leaders to question China on human rights, Taiwan and Covid-19          

* G-7 agrees on infrastructure plan to counter China's Belt and Road

Trudeau was there- no mask and no social distancing

"The G7 group of rich nations has agreed plans to set up an alternative to China’s belt and road initiative as part of a broad push back against Beijing covering human rights, supply chains, support for Taiwan and demands to reveal more about the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic.

US President Joe Biden and other G-7 leaders hope their plan, known as the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative, will provide a transparent infrastructure partnership to help narrow the US$40 trillion (S$50 trillion) needed by developing nations by 2035, the White House said.
The EU is also pressing the US to back a legally binding code of conduct for the South China Sea that Beijing has been negotiating with regional powers"

Italy, Hard hit by Covid-19. Location, location, location:

"Draghi, an Atlantacist, has shifted Italy away from the near pro-China policies of the previous Italian government led by the Five Star Movement, but argues that the G7 has a balancing act to pull off in challenging and cooperating with Beijing. Germany, often cautious about confronting China, has been reluctant to specify the monetary value of any infrastructure fund, and France has emphasised a reallocation of rich countries’ special drawing rights, foreign exchange reserve assets maintained by the IMF, towards poorest countries as a means of easing liquidity"                                         
Injecting Credibility?

"The White House published a fact sheet detailing the new framework that had been agreed during the second day of the G-7 summit, which is hosted by the U.K. and taking place in Cornwall from Friday to Sunday.

According to the document, strategic competition with China was discussed during the session. The initiative is described as "a values-driven, high-standard, and transparent infrastructure partnership led by major democracies."

G-7 nations are keen to differentiate(perception management)their initiative as a more transparent and sustainable alternative for developing countries that reflects their values and standards as democracies. (democracies?, oh that is rich!)

"Until now, we haven't offered a positive alternative that reflects our values, our standards, and our way of doing business,"the official continued. The initiative "won't just be an alternative to the BRI, but we believe will beat the BRI by offering a higher-quality choice."

The initiative aims to form "catalytic investment" from development finance institutions of the G-7, which will then mobilize private-sector funding. Climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality will be the initiative's focus areas.

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, spoke to his Chinese opposite number, Yang Jiechi, from Cornwall on Friday to urge him to release more details about whether Covid-19 leaked from a Wuhan laboratory, a once-dismissed theory now gaining currency.

 Biden, Macron and Johnson sitting quite close to gropin' Joe- no pandemic restrictions for them?

Biden, in an effort to keep G7 allies on board with his tough China strategy and to create new diplomatic alliances in Africa, is also trying to inject credibility into plans for a western alternative to China’s belt and road initiative, an infrastructure scheme launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping involving development, port, road, rail and digital schemes from Asia through Africa to Europe. More than 100 countries have signed up to schemes with China.

“This is not just about confronting or taking on China,” a US official said. “But until now we haven’t offered a positive alternative that reflects our values, our standards and our way of doing business.” The officials said the Build Back Better World (B3W) would be “an ambitious new global infrastructure initiative with our G7 partners”

The US official later said the G-7 had reached consensus on the need for a shared approach on “non-market economic practices” and on human rights abuses, and to coordinate on supply-chain resilience.
The United States has pushed for specific language in the communique about alleged forced labour in the China’s Xinjiang region, officials said."

Not suggesting Trump was not a war monger. He was. But not on the same caliber as “peace president” Obama. Biden will appease the self identified left and their idea of social justice by waging war on new people in new places, for all the “right” reasons. You know? Women. (Birth Control and Abortion to reduce the useless feeders) Children (Vaccines, Big Pharma)   Education (indoctrination into ‘right thinking’ decided by the multinational corporations of course) Health. Food Security ( Petro chemical agriculture) All the memes that appeal to the ‘do righters’ who believe themselves to be bringers of global justice when all these goals serve only to advance the multinational corporate ability to extort massively from the people at enormous expense, on many levels, to humanity.

 My readers were warned Biden would be a war monger extraordinaire. Sadly most wanted to believe some unrealistic fantastical tale about Biden. It's been the same here for Trudeau. Unfortunately most people don't deal in anything close to the real.

Recapping:As of this moment Russia is looking to be on board with the project. Turkey's good to go. And China is also a willing partner with Turkey in the construction of the canal- Hm! 

That's right, China. I'm definitely getting the Belt and Road vibe from this project.

The linked report above is definitely a keep it under your hat kind of post- This speaks to me of Covid as political warfare against China (one aspect)

It portends wider war- look at the war ship the US sent through India's waters..

The Belt and Road has always been a challenge to US hegemony which is why the US/Israel is working so very hard to create Greater Kurdistan

So many agendas all rolled into one big deadly/tyrannical ball of warfare wax.

Did I say warfare? Yes, I did. Because to my mind this is part of the reason US and Canada are moving manufacturing back to their respective nation states- On the surface not a bad thing, but...look a bit deeper at what is suggested by those moves.
I was saying to hubby just a few short days ago.. looks like preparations for more war/bigger war
It's time to take back our power......

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