This is an interesting article.
What do readers here think about these connections?
I see it as a definite possibility, when we recall the fact that Uighers and Pakistanis were killing Syrians and making their NATO best effort to destroy that nation. It already seems we have some connectivity.
I know nothing of Peter Lee. If anyone else has come across his work let me know?
What do readers here think about these connections?
I see it as a definite possibility, when we recall the fact that Uighers and Pakistanis were killing Syrians and making their NATO best effort to destroy that nation. It already seems we have some connectivity.
I know nothing of Peter Lee. If anyone else has come across his work let me know?
"It's been reported on the always-reliable Twitter by a Pakistan journalist, Ali Kamran Chishti, that Abdul Maulana Aziz has declared his support for the "Caliphate of Abu Bakar Baghdadi", ie ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, now the Islamic State. "Video to be uploaded soon". If confirmed, this is potentially big and bad news for the People's Republic of China.
Abdul Maulana Aziz was the radical spiritual leader of Lal Masjid, the Red Mosque, in downtown Islamabad. In 2007, after a prolonged and desultory siege, Pakistan armed forces stormed the mosque, signaling a partial fracture of the de facto alliance between the Pakistan deep state and radical Islam. The confrontation was little noted in the West, but it was big news in the People's Republic of China.
Followers of the Red Mosque had targeted Chinese sex workers as part of a purification campaign; Uyghur students - "terrorists" according to the PRC - were reportedly ensconced at the mosque, and, as the as the siege muddled slowly on its initial stages, radical Islamists retaliated against Chinese in other parts of the country.
In response, the PRC, which at that time relied largely upon the good offices of its local allies and assets to keep a lid on Uyghur extremism, demanded action. The then president, General Pervez Musharraf, torn between his military/intelligence and Chinese constituencies, obliged the PRC by sending troops personally loyal to him to storm the mosque in a bloody, catastrophic attack that probably claimed hundreds of lives.
Aziz had previously attempted to escape the siege by disguising himself in a burka, but was captured and paraded before the cameras in a humiliating fashion. His brother died in the assault