Logical Fallacy: a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning; the logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premisesBlowback is a logical fallacy- the logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premises
Blowback, as commonly touted by the lying war mongering media, is always presented in this fashion: unforseen consequences from previous actions Emphasis always on the “unforseen”
Unforseen- defined as not anticipated or predicted.
Unforseen goes hand in hand with the ‘incompetence’ meme constantly and continuously.
These mind viruses work together like this-
1-We overthrew this (Insert name of country_______) government + Said government then became a tyranny & very bad things happened = We had no idea this would result in any type of blowback, because we are a) incompetent b) lacked imagination c) could not have anticipated this outcome
Surely there are more examples that can be presented, but, am hoping this one will suffice?
I have been rolling this concept around in my head for some time now. Iraq’s most recent violent regime change was the impetus for today's post. What with the US claiming they want a “unity” government......
When facts speak otherwise. This is how I see Iraq playing out (comment from previous post)
“what I am certain of.. there will be more bloodshedIn other words I can see the situation worsening not improving. The media will sell this as the logical fallacy known as blowback. Of course, it is not blowback! It's the plan!
because the majority shiites will find themselves impoverished, usurped and left out- its not going to sit well with them all and of course
Iraq is central to that area so it will be a staging ground for further bloodshed”
Witnessing, via the media, the recent state sponsored terror inflicted regime changes. In Libya. Ukraine. Iraq. Presented to the masses with specific positive humanitarian themes and sales campaigns-
Taking stable nations and completely destabilizing them in the name of :
a) saving certain peoples (recently Kurd brand Yazidi)- which always begs the questions why only certain persons are ‘worthy’ of saving
b) freeing people from “tyranny” or “tyrants” (recently Gadaffi)
c) responding to the overwhelming desire of the masses (recently Ukraine)
What all these regime changes, for the so called benefit of the populace, have brought is instability. Violence. Displacement. Brutality. Degradation. Hunger. Homelessness. Disease. You get the picture?
Not improvement. Rather, the complete opposite. Degeneration. Degredation. Instability.
Are we to believe this is simply the unintended consequence of these regime changes?
The blowback?
I cannot accept this as anything other then yet another logical fallacy- That which seems to make sense on the surface, but, when one looks below the surface................
Then, I came across this piece!
Maliki and the futility of regime change
The author goes through a history of regime changes American style and it’s not shocking to notice that they are big, glaring failures!
“America’s track record in the business of selecting or changing leaders in global hot spots where the United States finds itself involved (as if that is just some random occurrence?) is rather poor. Operations such as the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran or the Diem family in South Vietnam, or the botched Bay of Pigs raid to oust Fidel Castro, or the various clandestine operations in Latin America, have often generated problems greater than the ones they were meant to solve”
“The history of flubbed regime change does argue that there is no quick fix”Notice the incompetence sales pitch? "flubbed"
And yet, despite this over abundance of historical failures the US keeps on violently changing regimes?
Therefore one has to sensibly conclude these failures are the desired outcome.
Failed states. Disease. Poverty. Displacement. Etc., And that‘blowback’ is simply the sales pitch, propaganda term, PR spin, the mind virus spread to the masses in order to make them believe otherwise.
If that is not exactly the desired outcome then why keep taking the same types of actions over and over and expect anything but the exact same result? Which is of course the definition of insanity and to my mind the definition of psychopathy.
Either way? - We have a problem with those we allow to lead us and it is not incompetence. It is evil. Pure evil, manifesting itself in the most horrific anti-human activities imaginable then hiding their criminality behind spin. To break free of this toxic, evil, psychopathic leadership we need to first rid ourselves of this blowback mind virus. Detox or cleanse it from our own brain and stop infecting others with this intoxicant!
Intoxicant- Anything taken into a body by one mean or another that produces a condition of diminished mental and physical ability, hyperexcitability, or stupefaction.