I was not intending on posting today, being a tad under the weather. However, their are times when information calls out to me.... "place me at the blog" it implores ! And so, it must be.
Fully realizing that some readers still here, or perhaps no longer here, can't get past their cognitive dissonance when it comes to the fact that they hold a completely unsubstantiated and unrealistic belief in VACCINE. Their effectiveness. Their safety. The ethics of the pharmaceutical manufacturers. An almost irrational belief that the first priority for big pharma is something other then profit?! And lots of it!
People who are so willing to question and for good reason the many others lies that are presented to us all as truth. The unreality that is presented as reality. Everyday. The lies about war. The reasons for war. The lie presented to us all about the private banking system. Money as debt. War is a racket, it really is.
But for some reason the indoctrination regarding vaccines is on par with a cult like belief. The big lie. Catapulting of the propaganda.
And yet it is quite obvious..... there are heaps of problems with vaccines. Problems that are adversely affecting us all. Adversely affecting our environment. Adversely affecting our immune systems.
Rather then honestly look at that which may be harming us all in a manner equal to the way we cast a critical eye on government, war, bankers, etc., far too many choose to cover their eyes, ears and make humming noises.
This week seeing all those grown men with bumped out cheeks?! Grown ups with the mumps! Absolutely unheard of. As a child, mumps was as common as a cold. Kids had them. Along with chicken pox and measles. I know, because I had them all! As a child. But adults didn't. Not one adult in my family or extended family had the mumps. While the kids in my neighbourhood passed mumps around none of our parents had them. You know why? Because they had a lifetime immunity, their wonderful immune system had created just for them.
My, my, my how things have changed. And definitely not for the better.
Past generations of professional hockey players were never at risk of mumps outbreaks. Today's players are, and tomorrow's will be, along with adults generally. These outbreaks -- which the media portray as coming out of the blue -- don't surprise anyone in medical circles who has been paying attention. Mumps outbreaks among aduIts have long been predicted by public health experts. Ironically, the mumps vaccine itself makes these outbreaks inevitable.
A century ago, before sanitation and public health improvements, mumps was a risky disease. By the 1950s, it had become largely benign, a childhood disease that especially hit five- to nine-year-olds, and almost everyone by their late teens. Once infected, children obtained lifetime immunity, making mumps rare in adulthood.
Because mumps was dangerous in adults -- complications can include sterility in males and, in pregnant women, the loss of the child -- public health authorities in the 1950s and 1960s predicted that the mumps vaccine then being proposed would backfire.Health authorities in the '50's and 60's predicted that the mumps vaccine would backfire and they were absolutely 100 percent correct as evidenced by the ever larger, yearly outbreaks despite massive vaccination campaigns.
My goodness, the man was a seer. He saw no value in pushing a universal vaccine, mumps among children being so mild, so common place and having the bonus of conferring a lifetime immunity! The vaccination could never do such a thingMumps and other once-perilous childhood diseases "have been brought under control and there is cause to rejoice in the fact ... that epidemics are becoming scarce,"Dr. E. H. Lossing, the chief of epidemiology at the federal government's Department of Health and Welfare, wrote in 1955. Mumps no longer remained "of sufficient gravity in terms of morbidity, mortality or disability to justify universal and probably repeated vaccination. Unless lifelong immunity is conferred by the primary vaccination, which seems unlikely, should the attack merely be postponed to older ages when economic loss and risk of complications are greater?"
Dr. Lossing was prescient on all counts. The mumps vaccine does not confer children with lifelong immunity, repeated vaccinations have become the rule, and mumps has become an adult disease that threatens to be costlier in terms of both time off work and health. But mumps vaccination has turned out to be even iffier than Dr. Lossing might have imagined, because the mumps vaccine is a staggering underperformer.
For one thing, the vaccine is a dud with many, accomplishing no good at all. "Right off the bat, when you give it to 100 people, 15 won't respond," states Dr. Gregory Poland, head of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group, one of the world's largest and most authoritative. Even when the vaccine does take, its full benefit often doesn't last long -- just one or two years before the level of antibodies drops below the level required to protect against mumps, according to a study in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. By the eighth year, the antibody levels have plummeted to just one third the level required for protection.
Our individual genetic makeup is a factor, possibly explaining why even fully vaccinated super-fit athletes like Sidney Crosby can become infected. "There are some people who carry specific forms of immune function genes so that they don't respond or they respond poorly to a vaccine," Dr. Poland explained. Crosby appears to have overcome his bout with mumps, as most do but genetic predispositions can sometimes lead to tragedy. To date, the U.S. government's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has received 962 claims for serious injuries involving mumps vaccines, 58 of them causing deaths, and granted compensation in 371 claims.
That is claims for serious injury, including death. From a vaccine of little value.
Sometimes the problem isn't with the person but with the vaccine. According to a 2012 study by the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, children's vaccines managed by 76 per cent of vaccine providers "were exposed to inappropriate temperatures for at least five cumulative hours [which] can reduce vaccine potency and efficacy." Vaccines "are only as good as their storage and administration," Dr. Poland said.
The mumps vaccine may suffer from another problem, too -- scientific misconduct. In September, a U.S. District Court found plausibleclaims that pharmaceutical giant Merck falsified data and otherwise engaged in fraudulent activities in order to win U.S. Food and Drug Act approval -- and a monopoly in the U.S. market -- for its mumps vaccine. Merck will as a result be appearing in at least two federal court cases to defend itself: United States v. Merck & Co and Chatom Primary Care v Merck & Co, a class action suit by doctors and medical practices who claim they were sold an overpriced and defective product.Say it isn't so! I am shocked, truly! Merck lied. Merck engaged in fraudulent activity to guarantee itself a nice big fat profit based on it's monopolization of the US market
Both court cases stem from two former Merck scientists-turned-whistleblowers who participated in the falsifications first hand and, according to court documents, were ordered by Merck to keep silent about the test results, which showed the vaccine to be less effective than needed to be licensed.
The falsified, fraudulently robust results discouraged competing manufacturers from entering the mumps market, preventing a truly efficacious vaccine from being developed and making Merck a monopoly provider. The court documents also state that Merck expected increased outbreaks of mumps over time because its vaccine would fail.So Merck created a shitty vaccine, lied about it's efficacy all the while knowing full well that mumps outbreaks would increase thereby requiring more vaccinations, guaranteeing more profits for Merck- What a business plan!
And that's what it was a business plan- A profit generator. A money maker...
Still think Merck or any other pharmaceutical CORPORATION give a hoot about your health? They don't. They need you sick so they can generate profits....
You know who really should be watching out for their own health? Each of us. And that includes using our critical thinking/logic and questioning the validity of the God/Vaccine cult and all it's claimed miracles
As it turned out, outbreaks among the vaccinated came: 2006 saw more than 6,500 cases in the U.S. Midwest -- the largest in 20 years -- with 84 per cent of the young adults afflicted having had two doses of the mumps vaccine. In 2009, 5,000 cases occurred, again among those with a high vaccination rate.
Mumps outbreaks, in fact, occur continually, most of them small and unreported. In the first 11 months of 2014, the outbreaks in the U.S. added up to 1,078 cases of mumps. They are attracting attention today only because NHL players are involved. And they will attract attention in future because mumps will more and more become an adult worry.
You can engage in adhominem? You can attack the messenger?
But, your denial isn't going to change reality or facts.
There are troubles with vaccines. Real troubles.