OMG! "ISIS" brand rebel approaches Israel's (illegal occupation) Golan border!!!
From Haaretz- Don't worry, I have the article for you all to read! Keeping in mind the FACT that Israel has been in cahoots with the NATO/Israeli mercenaries since they were first being marketed under...
View ArticleWhy Doctors Aren't Shocked that Mumps has hit the NHL
I was not intending on posting today, being a tad under the weather. However, their are times when information calls out to me.... "place me at the blog" it implores ! And so, it must be. Fully...
View ArticleSaudi/Kuwait: No oil output reduction even if others cut
Gulf TimesThe Saudi and Kuwaiti oil ministers said on Sunday that their countries would not cut oil production even if non-OPEC members reduce their output to shore up sagging oil prices."No... I...
View ArticleBertrand Russell,1953: "Diet, injections & injunctions".. to produce that...
Hopefully the New Year will see more people rejecting their servitude?
View ArticleOil slide continues- below $56.00
Following up on this post:Saudi/Kuwait: No oil output reduction even if others cutImmediately after Saudi Arabia and company,the GCC, announce they have no intent to reduce output...............The...
View ArticleMumps keep right on spreading amongst the vaccinated adult males in NHL.
3 more down for the Pittsburgh Penguins- 1 Goalie and 2 ForwardsPITTSBURGH, Pa. - The Pittsburgh Penguins just can't seem to shake the mumps.The team sent backup goaltender Thomas Greiss and forwards...
View ArticleJames Corbett interviews Ellen Brown: Bank Bail in Rules Explained
Interview 986 – Ellen Brown Explains the New G20 Bank Bail-in RulesPodcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedToday attorney, author and researcher Ellen Brown of joins us to discuss...
View ArticleThe CIA didn't just torture- THEY EXPERIMENTED on HUMANS-
FINALLY!A full week after I refreshed my own and readers memories about the human experimentation being conducted by the CIA, as the main stream media focused 24/7 on torture, THE Nation has decided to...
View ArticleRound up: MH-17, Syria,Turkey, Falling oil prices- what's next? The Fed &...
My trusty lasso and I had rounded a bunch of news stories, over the week, safely corralling them but not getting them into the barn. Consider this post the metaphoric barn.MH17 Witness registered...
View ArticlePeace on Earth
Holiday Salutations to everyone...Believe it or not, this is almost always the most difficult post to make, every year. For so many years running now. Wanting always to express to everyone here how...
View ArticleTrillion dollar war in Afghanistan- "Achieved it's goal"- Obama
Well, I made it! 48 hours away from the blog except for responding to commentsObama addressing troops spouting nonsenseTrillion-dollar war in Afghanistan achieved its goalUS troops first arrived in...
View Article"The Interview" It is America and Americans that should be offended !
Two very unfunny actorsIt is mind boggling to consider the fact this movie had a score of nearly 10 on the IMDB-So the 'activists' had to be out in full force- Also interesting is that the movie...
View ArticleMoscow Syria Peace Talks- Cairo Colludes with NATO opposition etc., etc.,
Lots of attention on the Ukraine, but, the situation in Syria is still ongoing. Russia is working on convening yet another peace conference. The Syrian government has agreed to attend along with some...
View ArticleTurkish FM: Russia & Iran should not be excluded from Syrian Peace Talks?
I could have put this in the previous post- Moscow Syria Peace Talks- Cairo Colludes with NATO opposition etc., etc., but, I felt this news deserves it's own special mention. Turkish Foreign Minister...
View ArticleAlexei Navalny- He's back! Was he ever truly gone?- Destabilizing Russia
Alexei Navalny he's back in the news! Did you all forget his past appearances?We will trip down memory lane in short order. First this, Navalny is a man of many labels. At least in western mainstream...
View ArticleISIS transfers Peshmerga fighters to Syria- US drops weapons to ISIS in Iraq!
That is not the headline to the article. The post title is how I see this incident.I have written more then one post on the symbiosis that exists between some of the Kurds and ISIS.Yes, I get flak for...
View ArticleJay Dyer - Dialectic Enlightenment & The Entertainment Industrial Complex
This was a very timely interview, considering the psyop movie "The Interview" - "The Interview" It is America and Americans that should be offended ! Then becoming aware of the true meaning of the...
View ArticleOil price war with Latin America threatens Canada’s oil patch?
A price war is brewingbetween Canada and Latin America over who will satisfy U.S. Gulf Coast refiners’ hunger for heavy oil.The new Seaway Twin pipeline will almost double the amount of heavy Canadian...
View Article2015- A Happy New Year? A Year Humanity Takes Charge!
2015- what will it bring?I admit to having not good feelings about 2015. Plenty of situations ongoing. Ukraine, Turkey Pt 1& Pt. 2, Syria. Oil Prices. Russia. Banks. Bail ins. NATO global...
View ArticleThe Chemical Manipulation of Humanity
Thanks to Jan @ Gnostic Media for this most excellent, informative & enlightening interview The problems and solutions discussed in this interview are in alignment with the attacks against us...
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