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Two very unfunny actors |
So the 'activists' had to be out in full force- Also interesting is that the movie appeared on line in China.
"The New York Times found that the film had mostly favorable reviews in China. "Perfect, the greatest film in history, all hail Sony," read one online comment"
(Hence my comment about the activists (NED etc) being out in full force!)
The movie was a total piece of trash. I expected that and was not the least bit disappointed.
Not funny. At all. Actually, just plain stupid. I will admit to not giving it my undivided attention as conversations were ongoing during viewing.
How can I not fail to mention all the homosexual innuendo/allusions/references?
Through the entire movie. A major theme running from beginning to end. An obsession with rectums... for obvious reasons. The need to 'see rectums' to 'check rectums'- Seth Rogen had to insert some phallic like object into his rectum to hide it from the authorites. The James Franco charcter was some sort of in the closet gay guy. Vapid. Shallow. Vain. Stupid. A dullard. He seemed to know the ins and outs (pun intended) of gay pornography. Causing the Seth Rogen character to ask him what kind of porn he is viewing.
The Franco character 'bonds" with the Korean leader ( Kim Jong Un). He loves Katy Perry? As does the Franco character. (For what it's worth- I know of just one of her so called songs, sadly it is the song that is used in this move & it is extremely irritating ) Clearly we are supposed to come away with the idea that Kim Jong is a homosexual, still in the closet, as is the Franco character, hence the bonding and perhaps the shortcomings in both the characters?
The heterosexual aspect was a brief and almost felt as if the film makers were throwing us straight folk "a bone"
The movie felt as if it was a sales pitch for the weaponized LGBT agenda pushed by the psychopathic elites. A topic that has been mentioned before at the blog.
I highly doubt anyone in North Korea was the least bit offended by this piece of garbage. Why would they be?
The whole movie made America and Americans look depraved. Shallow. Duplicitous. Obsessed with gay porn, sodomy, phallic imagery. And generally coming off as very stupid, bordering on moronic. It seems to me the only people that should be offended are Americans. The way the film makers chose to portray them and their societywas nothing short of completely insulting
Unless you are a complete idiot? This movie is in no way appropriate for children.
I myself regret the even partial attention I gave to this movie- fortunately no monetary costs were incurred-