Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Fluoride/Hypothyroidism/ IQ Lowering: Endocrine Disruptors & Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

Recall when people who questioned the legitimacy of  fluoridated water were viciously derided?
Oh yah, one of those people was me! Some years ago....
“The article notes that "thyroid dysfunction is a common endocrine disorder..."  The first time fluoride was labeled an endocrine disrupter was in the 2006 report of the National Resource Council of the National Academies. According to the National Institutes of Health, “Research shows that endocrine disruptors may pose the greatest risk during prenatal and early postnatal development when organ and neural systems are forming.” As far as we know, promoters pushing fluoridation have never referred to this ominous label.
“A major new fluoridation study was published today in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health--a British Medical Journal (BMJ) publication—and it’s already getting major media attention.  The study, entitled “Are fluoride levels in drinking water associated with hypothyroidism prevalence in England?  A large observational study of GP practice data and fluoride levels in drinking water,” is the first study to ever look at fluoridation and hypothyroidism in a large population (in this case, England).  It found a relatively strong and statistically significant effect, with General Practice (GP) areas being 62% more likely to have high rates of diagnosed hypothyroidism if their drinking water fluoride levels were above 0.7ppm compared to areas with fluoride levels below 0.3ppm.  This was after researchers had accounted for key confounders, which are other factors that influence hypothyroid rates.

In an additional comparison of two large metropolitan regions, one that is artificially fluoridated at a level of about 1.0 ppm (greater Birmingham area), and the other which is nearby and similar demographics but is not artificially fluoridated (greater Manchester), the study found a 94% greater probability that GPs in fluoridated Birmingham would have high hypothyroidism rates compared to Manchester.

For all of England, the prevalence rate of hypothyroidism was almost 10% greater in those GPs with higher fluoride levels compared to those with lowest levels.

The findings led to the researchers calling for a “rethink of public health policy to fluoridate the water supply,” adding “consideration needs to be given to reducing fluoride exposure, and public dental health interventions should stop [those] reliant on ingested fluoride and switch to topical fluoride-based and non-fluoride-based interventions.”

According to FAN’s Science Director, Chris Neurath, “Scientific and medical research stretching back to the 1920s has shown that fluoride can affect the thyroid.  The levels of fluoride exposure known to lower thyroid function overlap with the levels of exposure known to occur in some people drinking artificially fluoridated water.  Hypothyroidism is a very common disorder in the US.  It can have serious adverse health effects.  Reduced thyroid function in pregnant women is linked to reduced IQ in their children.  There is accumulating evidence that fluoride, at levels within the range fluoridated populations are exposed to, is associated with lowered IQFluoride's effect on thyroid function might be the mechanism by which it lowers IQ.”

Fluoride being just one endocrine disrupting chemical that we are exposed to, right?
So how might the altered thyroid function via endocrine disruption lower IQ?
This research likely sheds a light on how EDC's are lowering IQ via the thyroid
Project 1: Thyroid Hormone and Brain Development
Thyroid hormone is clearly essential for normal brain development. However, the mechanisms by which thyroid hormone exerts its effects, and the timing of thyroid hormone action, remain unclear. There is considerable evidence that maternal thyroid hormone can affect fetal brain development, but several questions remain. We have begun to look at this issue in a unique way - by cloning genes expressed in the fetal brain that are regulated by thyroid hormone before the onset of fetal thyroid function.
The lab is engaged in several projects to clarify the role of thyroid hormone in early brain development and to identify the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which thyroid hormone exerts its effects. These projects are broadly outlined below.

Developmental Events

Thyroid hormone is known to stimulate cell proliferation in some systems. In addition, thyroid hormone increases the proliferation of cells in the developing cerebellum. Therefore, we considered the possibility that maternal thyroid hormone is regulating proliferation in the fetal cortex. However, we could find no evidence for this. However, we did find that thyroid hormone regulates the expression of a gene (HES-1) thought to be involved in gliogenesis. We are now pursuing the concept that thyroid hormone shifts the balance of production of nerve cells and glia early in development.
Shifts the balance of nerve cells and glia development in early life
 Did you listen to the interview from yesterday.  When Scott Buckley discusses...  " The brains immune system cells called “microglia” become overly excited by the ongoing response to the toxins being produced in the gut (or elsewhere in the body), and these microglia break down neurons."

This reaction is a  response to endocrine disrupting tendencies in Monsanto's monstrosities. Fluoride may trigger a very similar type of inflammation in the developing brain.

Fluoride: It isn't good for you, me or developing babies!  
Fluoride,  Glysophate and other endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment are devastating humanity.

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