Turkey to move forward with non-NATO integrated missile defense
Interesting: A deal with Russia and now a deal with China?Turkey’s new defense missile system, for which Ankara is in talks on a $3.4 billion deal with a Chinese company, will not be integrated with...
View ArticleKurds/Turks evacuate Suleyman Shah tomb- Yet more KURD/ISIS symbiosis
Having done multiple postings citing what appears to be a fluidity between the Kurds and ISIS, I am going to point out that symbiosis yet again.Where does Kurd begin and ISIS end? Where does ISIS began...
View ArticleBig Pharma- A racket. A Criminal Racket. Responsible for 200,000 annual deaths
Below is an article from Daily Beast- I did not use the Daily Beast headline"Big Pharma is America's New Mafia" because that title is absurd! That title does not accurately reflect the FACT that the...
View ArticleFDA: Hiding Fraud, Outright Fabrications & Scientific Misconduct from the Public
Onto the Slate article- It's huge, so only excerpts are contained belowKeep in mind the FDA is the Food & Drug Agency- It's not the Food and Drug Safety & Accountability Agency Faked X-ray...
View ArticleMatthew Buckley: How Monsanto is Destroying the Brains & Health of Everyone-...
An excellent interview- Mathew Buckley is discussing the toxic glysophate in Round Up and Round Up Ready crops and the horrific toll it takes on human healthFor specific background to this interview...
View ArticleFluoride/Hypothyroidism/ IQ Lowering: Endocrine Disruptors & Chemical...
Recall when people who questioned the legitimacy of fluoridated water were viciously derided?Oh yah, one of those people was me! Some years ago....“The article notes that "thyroid dysfunction is a...
View ArticleJordan's Western Aligned Army Preps For Bigger Role Against ISIS
Read entirely at link- Read below the interesting bitsThe country appears set to play a larger role in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS, but the war looks to be long and difficult. Jordan, a country...
View ArticleA New Israeli Policy on Syria?
With much thanks to Peter @ Europe's Crowned Bloodsuckers for bringing this to my attentionItamar Rabinovich | February 13, 2015 at BrookingsThere is nothing new in this ‘new policy on Syria’- It in...
View ArticleToxic Hot Seat- Documentary: Flame Retardant EDC's & the Chemical...
It's about 1.5 hours. Consider this a background for some upcoming posts concerning the topic of the chemical manipulation of humanity and flame retardants that will include the gamut of the petro...
View ArticleThe Murder of Boris Nemtsov. A 'Spring' in the Air? Cui Bono?- UPDATED!
Cui Bono? Who benefits from this killing?- Hat tip to my hubby, all my personal biases aside, I think he is correct.- Updated list of likely reasons..Likely reasons for the killing at this time*This...
View ArticleLab Test Confirm: Child gets measles from vaccine!
The measles hype over the past month or so has just been over the moon. Unbelievable. Of course the medical mafia has had their minions out in full force to hype up the fear. One story that caught my...
View ArticleThe global warming slowdown is real — but that’s no reason to question...
That's a headline from the Washington Post- and it is an obvious, blatant appeal to authority. I despise appeal to authority sooo much!An appeal to authority is an argument from the fact that a person...
View ArticleGreat Lakes Ice Cover 2015 almost 87%. Thousands of Record Cold Temps broken
Following up from -Great Lakes ice cover SURPASS 2014's almost-record year?I am aware it's been chilly in Britain- Ireland and elsewhere too- If anyone wants to share please do Great Lakes up to 86.8%...
View ArticleUpdating Great Lakes Ice Cover 2015- Passes 88 percent mark!
Following up the Great Lakes ice build up! I will relink the two previous posts below!88.3 percent and growing- The images are from the first of March/15http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/ice/Previous...
View ArticleGreat Lakes Ice coverage now at almost 89%
While NOAA was claiming Great Lakes Ice is at 88.3 the Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab is showing satellite footage with 88.9 percent coverage.Satellite shows ice coverage on Great Lakes at...
View ArticleIPCC Rajendra K. Pachauri accused of sexual harrasement- resigns
Resigned from the IPCC- Resigned from the Prime Ministers's council and on indefinite leave from The Energy and Resources InstituteThe Energy & Resource Institute- Brought to us all by TATA...
View ArticleBill Gates- Extols the benefits of a Global Tyranny
(ANTIMEDIA) In a recent interview with the German publication “Süddeutsche Zeitung“, Bill Gates made some disturbing comments in favor of world government. Go away Bill, the world does not need another...
View ArticleRoundup - A Converging Pattern of Toxicity from Farm to Clinic to Lab-
Yup, it's another post on the "Chemical Manipulation of Humanity"Roundup - a converging pattern of toxicity from farm to clinic to laboratoryDr Eva Sirinathsinghji / 25th February 2015This is long,...
View ArticleUkraine ready to default? Central Bank raises Interest Rates to 30%
Market WatchIf Ukraine defaulted how would the debt to Russia for gas be dealt with?Input appreciated :) The conflict in the Ukraine is relevant to global investors as it directly affects security in...
View ArticleBank doors closed-Bail ins (depositer plunder) in Ukraine? Default?
Following up on yesterday's post asking the question- Ukraine ready to default? Central Bank raises Interest Rates to 30% It certainly appears that the Ukrainian banks are pilfering the peoples...
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