While NOAA was claiming Great Lakes Ice is at 88.3 the Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab is showing satellite footage with 88.9 percent coverage.
Keeping an eye on NOAA.....
Satellite shows ice coverage on Great Lakes at nearly 89 percent
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory updated some satellite images Saturday showing how much ice is actually covering the Great Lakes.
The entire Great Lakes is at 88.8 percent ice coverage, with the highest totals coming from Lake Huron and Lake Erie at about 96 percent ice coverage, according to NOAA. Lake Superior is close behind those two with 95 percent coverage, followed by Lake Michigan with 73 percent and Lake Ontario with 70 percent.
According to NOAA data, the Great Lakes ice coverage is up over 3 percent. This time last year, there was 85.4 percent coverage.
Keeping an eye on NOAA.....