Channel: Penny for your thoughts
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Former CSIS Official, Now Private Security Consultant, Predicts Canadian 9/11 Moment, 2015

Not happy about that kind of statement, not in the least! What does a private security consultant, who stands to profit so handsomely from Canada’s so called “anti-terror” bill, really mean when he make a statement about Canada having a 9/11 moment this year? In 2015. Is he pushing the fear button? Is he threatening? In a veiled fashion? Or is he prepping the narrative for some sort of false flag operation, that his private security company, might participate in AND benefit from?
The article that contains his statement will finish up this post- So you're going to have to read right through to the end-  
Who is this prognosticating security consultant?Raymond Boisvert

A false flag is not a stretch!

 When we consider that CSIS has just been caught recruiting for ISIS, in Turkey.  Operative linked to Canadian Intelligence Service involved in ISIS recruitment
It should be very clear, to all Canadians, that CSIS has gained easy access to hard core fighters, destabilizers and terrorizers. If they can send these individuals into Syria to bomb buildings, set off car bombs and dig tunnels......

Did I say dig tunnels?

Yes, I did. There have been many instances of tunnels being used to bomb buildings in Syria.
 And, what was found recently in Toronto? A tunnel. A tunnel that became publicly known, when someone stumbled across it. 

All the excavated soil moved. Well constructed. How much did the material cost?

The media give us the most ridiculous explanation. One I just didn't believe. Too preposterous.
In this age of uber paranoia about security, the media actually downplayed this story, presenting it as a whimsy or something comical. Should we really believe that some 22 year old, did this in his spare time? Does that seem likely? Elton McDonald- give that man a job! 
Elton (John) McDonald( burgers)

When the tunnel was found what security expert was making the media rounds to talk it up?
If you guessed it was Mr 9/11 moment,  Ray Boisvert, you were correct! Why Ray Boisvert? Why a private security consultant/contractor? Toronto has it’s own police force. And they surely have media people? Then of course there is CSIS?

 CBC gives us Ray Boisvert.

So, who is Ray Boisvert?

President of I-Sec Integrated Service
Ray Boisvert, President of ISECIS and former Assistant Director, Intelligence for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), offers uniquely sourced strategic and tactical consultative advice pertaining to critical risks affecting private and public sector business activities: cyber and “insider” threats, as well as modern day hazards related to espionage and terrorism.
Ray Boisvert - Senior Associate with Hill & Knowlton- That’s so wrong. For so many reasons.

H+K Enlists Canadian Security And Cyber Intelligence Expert

Posted Dec 17th, 2014
I-Sec Integrated Strategies (ISECIS) principal, Ray Boisvert, joins H+K as a Senior Associate.

Ray Boisvert, wants Bill C-51to be passed- A bill that will surely benefit his business interests

"Former spymaster: Anti-terrorism bill will unshackle intelligence experts"
Intelligence experts, such as Ray Boisvert, unshackled! Fills me with dread!

Bill C-51 is nothing but state sponsored terrorism.

Oppression. Repression. If you doubted for one moment that our government was anything but a tyranny Bill C -51 dissolves those doubts This is not about safety- This is about control.

Canada: Bill C-51 Could be Used to Stifle Social and Environmental Movements, Accuse Citizen Media Groups of “Supporting Terrorism”
This Bill absolutely represents the overbearing oppressive State, repressing the citizens, as opposed to representing or serving the citizens.

Ray Boisvert comes off as some sort of pitchman for heavy handed state control and of course private profiteering at the expense and well being of Canadian society

And finally!

 Ray Boisvert- former CSIS official predicts 9/11 moment over the coming year for naive Canadians

The former assistant director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) told a crowd at the University of Ottawa Thursday that he thinks there will be a catastrophic terrorist attack over the coming year.“I think Canadians are a little bit naive,” said Ray Boisvert, who currently runs the security consulting firm I-Sec Integrated Strategies

Naive Canadians? The only naive Canadians are the ones that will refuse to believe the possibility that our government could very well  be behind a "catastrophic" terror act, this year, in order to justify their total tyrannical control of our nation and it's people.

I truly hope Canadians are not this naive. Bill C-51 is a travesty! And if anything happens in this country in 2015- We should look right at intelligence agencies, public & private. Along with their government enablers

Flashback!Kevin Vickers, yet another private security consultant feted in Israel

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