Chemical Manipulation of Humanity: People in their 40's increasingly getting...
YahooNews The author points to the role of EMF’s as part of this very large problem - so keep on zapping your brain with cellphones/smartphones to expand your zombie consciousness.While the researcher...
View ArticleMonsanto's Glyphosate and the Dis-ease of a Young Child: Chemical...
El costo humano de los agrotóxicos (The human cost of agrotoxins) by Pablo Piovano.Buenes Aires Herald The image of Lucas Techeira — a three-year old boy from Misiones with a skin disease caused by his...
View ArticleNo Vaccine Mandates in Canada!
Being aware that vaccines are chock full of endocrine disrupting chemicals, dna from monkeys, pigs etc, and fully believing in the individual/parental right to choose the appropriate medical care, I...
View ArticleThe "Heroic" Kurds: Syrian Kurds- The Pressure and the Penalties
Syrian Kurds: The Pressure and the PenaltiesDedicated to those who just can’t face facts when it comes to the the reality vs the mythos of the Kurdish people. The illusion of unity. The tyranny of PYD...
View ArticleThe ISIS Threat to Turkey? It's serious. Destabilizing Turkey continues apace!
The ISIS Threat to TurkeyIslamic State last week released a new video calling for a jihadist front in Turkey and encouraged Turks to “conquer Istanbul” and return the country to “true Islam” -Turkey...
View ArticleKurd/ISIS Symbiosis: ISIS takes Syrian border towns
So typical. So unsurprising. Not going out on a limb here at all to predict that which has happened many times, in many different locales along the Syrian/Turkish border.ISIS has now taken Syrian...
View ArticleTom Mulcair playing the Identity Politics Card- NDP fake opposition
CBCCan a vote for Mulcair really mean a less divided Canada?Or a more divided Canada? One divided along different parameters?I have had an endless stream of emails from the NDP claiming "We want you...
View ArticleYPG- NATO backed of course, 'test' the newly held "ISIS" safe zone
And it took less then 24 hours! Recall yesterday I posted this?Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis: ISIS takes Syrian border townsA post which contained my not out on a limb prediction Not going out on a limb here...
View ArticleIs Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise Institute
Well, well, well. So let’s see I’ve been prognosticating the destabilization/destruction of Turkey for how long now? I had dropped hints through out the blog on many an occasion. But then finally in...
View ArticleMystery man in Bangkok bomb probe 'never said a word'
Notice the war mongering media is working very hard to connect the Bangkok bombing to Turkey? Why would that be? Facetious.It's obvious why! Is Turkey Heading to Partition? American Enterprise...
View ArticleAmong 40 al-Nusra dead- Israeli & Jordanian officers killed in Syria
Over 40 al-Nusra among Israeli, Jordanian officers killed in SyriaThe Syrian air force killed a large number of Takfiri militant commanders, including senior Israeli and Jordanian officers, in...
View ArticleBritish forces hunt for Jihadi John in ‘combat burqas’ - SAS as ISIS, again!
And now onto today's pièce de résistance!: British Forces "hunt" for Jihadi John in "Combat Burqas" Hopefully you all recall the news from August 1/15 , of British SAS Forces posing as ISIS? SAS dress...
View ArticleTwo Vice News journalists arrested in Turkey
Vice is a scummy NATO backed lying "media" outfit.And no better friend to the biggest THEOCRATIC state in the M/E: Israel. Controlled opposition is the least of it's sins. Brain washing/poisoning the...
View ArticleDid “ISIS” Completely Destroy Palmyra Temple?
It’s certainly questionable. NO, I don’t believe the lying, war mongering/whoring/child abusing UN. Nor do I take their‘satellite’ imagery as gospel. Satellite imagery can be fudged. Example: Did US...
View ArticleJay Dyer: James Kelley & the Psychopathology of Jim Jones/Jonestown
Seriously, seriously interesting interview! Must Listen."James and I delve into the bizarre oddness of what is Jim Jones and the People’s Temple cult and their mass suicide. Beware, this is not a PG...
View ArticleISIS issues death warrant for Erdogan as PKK readies for war against Erdogan...
KurdIShIS Symbiosis- Not coincidence. Cohesion: forming a united whole: cleaved togetherISIS issues death warrant against Turkish President ErdoganThe Islamic State has issued a death warrant against...
View ArticleWashington to pressure eurozone on Greek debt
Finance The United States is expected to put pressure on the eurozone, and particularly Germany, to find a solution to the Greek debt problem during the upcoming meeting of the finance ministers and...
View ArticleVICE 'journalists'- Journalists as Spooks: Same old, same old
Journalists as Spooks- Nothing new under the sun. Nothing!The VICE 'journalists' are spooks. As sure as so many other spook/journalists I have blogged on here. Marie Colvin comes to mind... There is...
View ArticleIf ISIS overthrows Turkey's Government- NATO Will Still Protect Turkey?
Got this video from the Discovery Channel on YoutubeI was watching it earlier today and the talking head made TWO very interesting statements.They kind of jumped out at me 1:19: "Turkey has also been...
View Article27 Iraqi civilians killed by Canadian Airstrikes- Where is the hysteria?
Exploitation by the media, of the masses, is rampant and commonplace-But today & yesterday the media manipulation is in high gear. Pretty sure everyone who reads here is more then aware of the...
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