I find the concept of the Egregore very fascinating. And am of the mind that Covid 19(84) functions as an egregore. In fact, I'd say the deleterious effect on the masses Covid presents as an egregore is vastly more harmful to us all then it's function as a virus.
Mark Stavish wrote an excellent book on the subject. Yes, it's on my shelf and I've read it. Twice.Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny
Mark Stavish wrote an excellent book on the subject. Yes, it's on my shelf and I've read it. Twice.Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny
An egregore is sustained by belief, ritual, and sacrifice and relies upon the devotion of a group of people, from a small coven to an entire nation, for its existence. An egregore that receives enough sustenance can take on a life of its own,Brief definition
An egregore is, as a thought-form, an energetic entity that has acquired a measure of autonomy and a degree of autonomous action. It’s sustenance, its nourishment as it were, is the passion that gave it birth in the first place, and which we call “devotion”. Or, it may just as well be fear that sustains it and nourishes it, for by “thoughtform” we don’t mean just some abstract idea or concept.
It requires emotion as its propellant, so it is more akin to what we mean by the term “a complex” and the “projection”. This is all-important to understand, for once such a “meme” or “thoughtform” as a truly energetic entity assumes a measure of autonomy, it is implicated in what we call “self-fulfilling prophecy”, and it can be by degrees either benevolent or malicious depending upon the mood that gave birth to it.
Now, the definition of the egregore describes it as something “occult”. This is a bit ridiculous, for what we call State or Church or Corporation are the manifest forms of the egregores, and we even treat them as such, even if we are only peripherally aware that they are, in effect, semi-autonomous thoughtforms. We treat of the Church as “the body of Christ” or of the State as the embodiment of the nation, and as singularities, as “immortal persons”. We do the same with (capital “S”) Science, also. In fact, its safe to say that whenever some more or less abstract idea is capitalised, we are dealing with an egregore — a semi-autonomous energetic entity. We do the same with Capital and Labour, which we treat of as singular dynamic and even autonomous entities, just as much as “Technology”.
In other words, these capitalised nouns are not just words, they are names. They are the names of our gods. And you know you are in the presence of a god or an egregore when they are described in capital letters. And, in those terms, we are actually surrounded by such egregores. They are intentional entities we sustain by our “sacrifices”, “devotions”, prayerful petitions, or even our fears and hates.