Ya know what it is? Come on readers? It's something that was written here some time back.
On March 21/20
And here's Dr Fauci talking about being outside in the glory of fresh air & sunshine and it's effectiveness in killing the virus
This is how/why we can safely deduce one reason for the lock downs was to extend the pandemic's reign. Staying indoors would naturally cause the virus to be sustained for a longer period of time. Combine the lock downs with the depletion of Vitamin D and you have a deadly recipe for disease spread.
Exactly as was desired.
Fauci is despicable
As is most of the established health care industry and the media.
The fear mongering and infliction of medical martial law made it nearly impossible for the masses to exploit this weakness and kill the virus.
Time to wake up and face that reality people. The hour is truly getting late.
On March 21/20
‘Sunlight will cut the virus’ ability to grow in half, so the half-life will be two-and-a-half minutes and in the dark it’s about 13–20 minutes. Sunlight is really good at killing viruses,’ he said.
And here's Dr Fauci talking about being outside in the glory of fresh air & sunshine and it's effectiveness in killing the virus
McConaughey asked Fauci whether it’s true that sunlight kills the virus (which has sickened more than 5.2 million people in the US and killed almost 168,000 at this point, according to Johns Hopkins University). “It does,” Fauci replied. “That’s one of the reasons why outside in the sun when you are interacting … That is much, much better than being inside … Outside is always better than inside.”
It found that “90% or more of SARS-CoV-2 virus will be inactivated after being exposed (to the summer sun) for 11 to 34 minutes.”
This is how/why we can safely deduce one reason for the lock downs was to extend the pandemic's reign. Staying indoors would naturally cause the virus to be sustained for a longer period of time. Combine the lock downs with the depletion of Vitamin D and you have a deadly recipe for disease spread.
Exactly as was desired.
Fauci is despicable
As is most of the established health care industry and the media.
The fear mongering and infliction of medical martial law made it nearly impossible for the masses to exploit this weakness and kill the virus.
Time to wake up and face that reality people. The hour is truly getting late.