Don't Do Your Own Research!!! # Propaganda Watch
I'd seen the article referred to by Mr Corbett last week and wanted to write about it.Thankfully, James made the video below. Via the Corbett Report
View ArticleBreaking the Mask Psychosis
Psychosis is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren't real, true or accurate....
View ArticleBreak the Mask Psychosis: Germany, In Spite of Mandatory Mask Policy, Has...
Just like Spain. Breaking the Mask Psychosis If I was to take a guess at why this is, I'd blame the mask wearing mandated through medical martial law by the governing toady class.Filthy. moistened with...
View ArticleThe Insect Apocalypse that Never Was- Another AGW Lie Bites the Dust
Recall the insect apocalypse news? I surely do. As someone who spends lots of time outdoors.. there seemed to be an abundance of insects- In fact I've never seen more butterflies fluttering about, then...
View ArticleCoronavirus Widely Dispersed In England, Numbers Drop, Medical Martial Law...
This latest news jibes with REALITY.Some 3.4 million people in England ‘have had coronavirus’ and it was 'widely dispersed from the start’, study suggests The fact that the virus was circulating...
View ArticleThe Covid 19(84) Egregore
I find the concept of the Egregore very fascinating. And am of the mind that Covid 19(84) functions as an egregore. In fact, I'd say the deleterious effect on the masses Covid presents as an egregore...
View ArticleDr Fauci Says Coronavirus Has A Weakness You Can Exploit- And He Stopped You...
Ya know what it is? Come on readers? It's something that was written here some time back.On March 21/20 ‘Sunlight will cut the virus’ ability to grow in half, so the half-life will be two-and-a-half...
View ArticleWhat if Covid Herd Immunity, No Vaccine Required, is Closer Then We Think?
Despite every attempt to preserve and prolong the "pandemic"From yesterday: Dr Fauci Says Coronavirus Has A Weakness You Can Exploit- And He Stopped You From Exploiting It!What if Herd Immunity is...
View ArticleNewest Info Reveals Very Good News About Coronavirus Immunity- The Marvelous...
Ah, yes, our immune system. Always poo pooed by the pharmaceutical profiteers. Of course it's soooo inconvenient and unprofitable for them that we naturally have this system, that protects us from so...
View ArticleHezbollah & Syria CLEARED In Hariri Tribunal- A FACT the Spinnin' Media is...
Sky NewsThe judges believed that "Syria and Hezbollah may have had motives to eliminate" Mr Hariri, because Lebanon at the time was effectively controlled by Syria and Mr Hariri had publicly aligned...
View ArticleWas the PCR Test Meant To Detect A Virus?
hattip Grimerica This is an audio reading of the article “Was the Covid-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus” written for uncover DC by award winning journalist Celia Farber. She talks about how the...
View ArticleBirth Pangs: The United Arab Emirates, Israel, and the Strategic Imbalance of...
Pretty sure readers here know that UAE and Israel signed a “normalization” agreement.Interesting oped available at Center for Global PolicyAuthor: Dr. Kamran Bokhari is the Director of Analytical...
View ArticleRussian "Opposition" Leader Alexei Navalny Poisoned, Again?
Navalny is allegedly in a coma and on a respirator- On a respirator? That's an interesting detail. Dot connecting us, conveniently, right to the Covid 19(84) narrative.In case you've forgotten....
View ArticleNavalny's "Poisoning"& the Belarus Colour Revolution. The Saga Continues
Following up on... Russian "Opposition" Leader Alexei Navalny Poisoned, Again?So many familiar tropes(common or overused themes or devices)in this latest episode. I can't be the only one realizing...
View ArticleJeffrey Epstein’s Harvard Connections Show How Money Can Distort Research
Scientific AmericanLetting the rich pay for science that interests them is a bad idea—even if they aren’t convicted sex offenders. Think About Billy boy Gates and his outsize monetary distortions as...
View ArticleFollowing Orders From Authority Reduces Empathy & Guilt For Our Own...
Daily MailObeying( following orders/edicts) from an authority reduces empathy and guilt-related activity in the brain, finds study that reveals why people commit immoral acts under coercionI was only...
View Article"Vegans, Your Soya Milk is Killing The Planet" GMO Soy & Harmful, Long Term...
Yes, almost all Soy is genetically modified! Round Up Ready.94%: In 2018, GMO soybeans made up 94% of all soybeans planted, GMO cotton made up 94% of all cotton planted, and 92% of corn planted was...
View ArticleNFL Testing Contained Many False Positives- Tests Contaminated? How...
Is it a problem, globally? It would have to be. 'Cause when you think about it what would the odds be this many tests would all have been contaminated?Link "On August 22, BioReference Laboratories...
View ArticleEveryone Wore Masks During The 1918 Pandemic. They were useless.
Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless.People called them “flu fences” and “chin sails.” Gala attendees fastened theirs with gaudy earrings. Smokers cut flaps in them, and...
View ArticleThe Tainted Polio Vaccine: "One of the Worst Biological Disasters In American...
The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955. It was ‘one of the worst biological disasters in American history,’ one scholar wroteThe polio vaccine was rushed to...
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