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MH-17: An exercise in foregone conclusions?

Readers here will notice that I use the term "narrative creation" in relation to main stream media news items that feel as if they are being used to point us in a specific direction.  Or to get us to accept an impending finale.
Think of narrative creation in this way. We have characters (players) and we have events (happenings), that will converge in such a way that the conclusion we are supposed to draw is the conclusion that we have been prepped for prior to the final act taking place.

This past week we have been treated to a narrative that has informed us all  that the anti-fascist rebels allegedly have the means to take down airplanes at high altitudes. Alone or with the help of their claimed interchangeable partner- Russia. This narrative, repeated and reinforced has never substantiated. 

Take for an example the downing of An-26?

From previous post- Timeline: Downing of An-26 supply plane 

We were told to believe that this plane was shot down at a high altitude by either the anti-fascists or Russia.
However, there was no reason to believe those claims coming out of Kiev.

H/T Anthony who left this link - BBC
However, defence analyst Charles Heyman, who edits a book called Armed Forces of the European Union, questioned the likelihood of the plane flying at high altitude.
 "I doubt the transport plane was flying at 6,500m," he said. "That doesn't make sense. The higher you fly, the more it costs, and the plane would have had to be pressurised. It was probably shot down using Sam-6 missiles owned by the rebels, which they have quite a few of."
 The plane was not flying at 6,500 m. The plane was shot down by the antifascists, as they themselves claim, at a lower altitude-

 Kiev claimed they were going to put forth irrevocable proof of this plane being shot down at high altitude by antifascists or Russia.... but Kiev never did.
Covered in this post-  Russian/Ukrainian News- Moscow shows damage/Ukraine kills civilians and more Quoting from the WSJ article
 Ukrainian security services chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko on Tuesday saidUkraine had compiled "indisputable evidence" implicating Russia in the attack.

"The president has issued instructions, and by the end of the day, an investigation will be completed and irrefutable evidence will be prepared complete with maps," he said, the Interfax news agency reported.

As of late Tuesday, the report hadn't become public.
So no evidence given by the Kiev fascists. Just unsubstantiated claims. 

Or, as I am proposing the creation of a narrative. That goes something like this.........

Anti fascists or Russia, interchangeable, for this narrative.( Interchangeable for all propaganda purposes according to Kiev, the Obama administration, NATO and NATO media etc.???)
Getting back to the narrative being created all this week
*Anti fascists fighters /rebels  aided byRussiahave been shooting down planes flying at high altitude.
*Therefore these same groups/partners shot down the Malaysian plane

Kiev immediately began spinning the conclusion they had been prepping the audience/reader/viewer/consumer for all this week. The US came out last night and bolstered the foregone conclusion.
foregone (ˈfoːgon) : a foregone conclusion a result that is so obvious that it can be seen before it happens
Though neither Kiev or the US has any evidence whatsoever for their 'conclusions'. How could either nation conclude this narrative with no evidence to support their claims?

That all said.-  The fact that Kiev and the US are pushing this foregone conclusion after a week long promotion of a specific story line  is highly suggestive of advance knowledge of this final act.
 I will have more information posted on MH-17 as soon as possible.

For background as this tragedy unfolded refer back to yesterday's post and the information in the comments section.

Breaking! Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed (shotdown) in Eastern Ukraine

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