Info I had saved this morning, but, am just getting around to now. Apologies.
False flag- for those who do not know?
Next stop: MH-17: An exercise in foregone conclusions?
Then, more information directly below my brief but relevant digression! First, let me point out how convenient this is for Israel, as they launch a ground invasion into Gaza, that the world concerns itself with the downing of an airliner. While all eyes are averted, Israel will surely engage in a grotesque action that which will undoubtedly include large scale civilian slaughter.
My oh my, where is Obama's concern for the civilians of Palestine? Oh yah, Mr Nobel peace prize, doesn't have any real concern for civilians anywhere
*Israel launches large-scale ground invasion of Gaza Strip
* Why when MH17 had flown 300 miles to the south, did it fly 300 miles to the north, in a war zone, on the day it was shot down?
Anomalies? We definitely got'em!
What do you suppose the odds are that one airline would loose two planes in a matter of months?
New Scientist- What was this plane doing over a war zone?
Cui Bono? Israel. Kiev's fascists. The US.
Non beneficiaries?Europe. Russia. The anti-fascist/separatist movement.
False flag- for those who do not know?
False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them
If you are at all unfamiliar with the MH-17 saga???
Start here:Breaking! Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed (shotdown) in Eastern UkraineNext stop: MH-17: An exercise in foregone conclusions?
Then, more information directly below my brief but relevant digression! First, let me point out how convenient this is for Israel, as they launch a ground invasion into Gaza, that the world concerns itself with the downing of an airliner. While all eyes are averted, Israel will surely engage in a grotesque action that which will undoubtedly include large scale civilian slaughter.
My oh my, where is Obama's concern for the civilians of Palestine? Oh yah, Mr Nobel peace prize, doesn't have any real concern for civilians anywhere
"Yes, less then two weeks after he became President, he was nominated for this esteemed prize! Wow, he really must be an over acheiver, a mover and a shaker, or something like that?
How is it possible that Obama is nominated and wins a Nobel Peace Prize, when he only became President, just two weeks before the nomination deadline"Obama's peace prize was part of a perception management hard sell, twisted campaign to suck the gullible ones into 'believing' this man was about 'hope and change'. He wasn't then and isn't now. He is a monster.
*Israel launches large-scale ground invasion of Gaza Strip
A plan Israel has had for some time now .....
This is not a war of equivalency. And has nothing to do with a few rockets. Rockets that have done virtually nothing when compared to the Israeli onslaught and perverted enjoyment of the slaughter by brainwashed, indoctrinated Israeli's.
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Who are the nazi's now |
1-Israeli ground operation "unintended escalation" with Syria & Hezbollah?
Cui Bono? From the plane shoot down? Israel, the US and NATO
Cui Bono? From the plane shoot down? Israel, the US and NATO
Obama blathering about the death of innocents- Not much about Gaza, of course
Highlighting something I found interesting and odd when considering the reason for this speech?
Q: Tougher sanctions in Europe, will you push for --
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I think that this certainly will be a wake-up call for Europe and the world that there are consequences to an escalating conflict in eastern Ukraine, that it is not going to be localized, it is not going to be contained.
Tougher sanctions in Europe- Hmmmm..... Cui Bono?The US and Kiev.
The US stood alone in expanding sanctions. But, now.....???
Don't forget the BRICS nations creating their own development bank, just this week! A direct challenge to the US dominated western banking system
Two beneficiaries to the shootdown? Kiev and Washington?
Don't forget the BRICS nations creating their own development bank, just this week! A direct challenge to the US dominated western banking system
Two beneficiaries to the shootdown? Kiev and Washington?
Anomalies? -We got'em!
The crashed MH17 flight took a route 300 miles to the north of its usual path, an aviation expert has said.
Robert Mark, a commercial pilot who edits Aviation International News Safety magazine, said that most Malaysia Airlines flights from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur normally travelled along a route significantly further south than the plane which crashed.
Malaysia Airlines has insisted its plane travelled on an "approved route" used by many other carriers.
But Mr Mark said: "I can only tell you as a commercial pilot myself that if we had been routed that way, with what's been going on in the Ukraine and the Russian border over the last few weeks and months, I would never have accepted that route.
"I went into the FlightAware system, which we all use these days to see where airplanes started and where they tracked, and I looked back at the last two weeks' worth of MH17 flights, which was this one.
"And the flight today tracked very, very much further north into the Ukraine than the other previous flights did ... there were MH17 versions that were 300 miles south of where this one was."
Records of recent MH17 flights on the FlightAware appear to bear out Mr Mark's claim, with earlier flights significantly further south than the flight that crashed.
Mr Mark’s intervention came amid mounting questions overwhy passenger jets were flying over the war zone three months after pilots were warned to avoid it.I mentioned that very fact in yesterday's post!Breaking! Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed (shotdown) in Eastern Ukraine Again, why did MH17 choose to fly 300 miles to the north, on this very day, over a war zone that all pilots were warned not to fly in or near as early as April of this year?
Aviation safety authorities in America and Europe warned pilots in April about potential risks flying in or near Ukraine airspace.
* Why when MH17 had flown 300 miles to the south, did it fly 300 miles to the north, in a war zone, on the day it was shot down?
But, that's not all!
As if the two aformentioned issues are not highly suspect. Not only did MH-17 fly 300 miles to the north,through a war zone, something it had NOT done for the two weeks prior.. Apparently, MH-17 was directed/ordered to fly lower then one would expect over a war zone? Why did all those strange occurrences just so happen to take occur on this very day? It's almost as if this was entirely orchestrated for the shootdown to take place?
13:07 GMT:
Ukraine’s traffic controllers ordered the Boeing-777 to lower by 500 meters when the aircraft entered Ukrainian airspace, says a statement on the Malaysia Airlines official website.
“MH17 filed a flight plan requesting to fly at 35,000ft (10,660 meters) throughout Ukrainian airspace. This is close to the ‘optimum’ altitude. However, an aircraft’s altitude in flight is determined by air traffic control on the ground. Upon entering Ukrainian airspace, MH17 was instructed by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly at 33,000ft (10,058 meters).”
Anomalies? We definitely got'em!
What do you suppose the odds are that one airline would loose two planes in a matter of months?
Mr Gleave said: "It's a terrible tragedy to lose one airliner, but to lose two is almost unthinkable."Almost unthinkable. I don't know, why 9/11 comes to mind? When the 'unthinkable' happened in just one day? 3 steel buildings collapse from fire. Never before and never since. Unthinkable!
New Scientist- What was this plane doing over a war zone?
Who in the region has weapons capable of reaching such altitudes with high accuracy?
The Ukrainian Air Force's Buk surface-to-air missile system– developed under the Soviet Union and Russian Federation – is designed to engage cruise missiles, smart bombs, aircraft and drones at altitudes up to 15 kilometres. It uses radar to home in on a target and is highly accurate.
The pro-Russian separatists say that they have no such weapon and only have shoulder-launched heat-seeking missiles fired from a MANPAD, short for a man-portable air defence system. These can only reach up to 4000 metres.Have other aircraft been shot down during the conflict in Ukraine?
On 14 June, pro-Russian separatists used a MANPAD system to shoot down a Ukrainian Air Force Ilyushin-76 military transport at Luhansk airport in Ukraine, killing all 49 people on board. On 13 July in Snezhny, in the Donetsk region, another insurgent MANPAD brought down a Ukrainian military helicopter, an Mi-24. And on 16 July the Ukrainian government says one of its SU-25 ground attack fighter planes was downed over Ukrainian territory.
On 15 July, the notice was updated to include information on several airports being closed throughout Ukraine, including one in Donetsk, near where MH17 went down. Airspace in that area was also closed up to an altitude of 9754 metres, according to air traffic control organisation Eurocontrol. MH17 was flying just above that, in open airspace, when it was hit.But, we already know airlines and pilots were told to not use airspace over Ukraine. At any altitude.
Cui Bono? Israel. Kiev's fascists. The US.
Non beneficiaries?Europe. Russia. The anti-fascist/separatist movement.