IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinians Gas. And so much more
One reason for Israel's assault on Gaza. Straight up resources theft! There are others- read onUpdates at bottom recalling previous news on Israel's covetous ways IDF's Gaza assault is to control...
View ArticleHypocrisy alert! Kiev neonazis target LGBT club and the NATO media is silent?
Recall all the Putin bashing, call for boycotts, by the weaponized LGBT groups around the Olympics- Story after story. The drama queens were out in full force. Some guy dressed like a pink flamingo?...
View ArticleUkraine anti-fascists strike back- Kiev calls emergency meeting & more...
UPDATE at the BOTTOM- scroll down for update, unless you haven't read all the news. News roundup!: Rebels kill 23 Ukraine troops, shredding truce hopesUkraine's military on Friday reported losing 23...
View ArticleUS should "follow" Kiev's lead & act unilaterally on sanctions- Canada does
Let's be absolutely clear- The fascist government in Kiev is not acting unilaterally, in any way shape or form.So the idea that the US should follow Kiev's lead is absurd. I couldn't believe anyone,...
View ArticleBreaking news- Putin & Merkel "constructive talks" regarding Ukraine
Interesting tidbit- Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have agreed that the situation in Ukraine, where Kiev is continuing an offensive against pro-Russian separatists...
View ArticleBill Joslin: “Meditation: Deconstructing Nonsense”
Thanks to Jan @ Gnostic Media for providing us with this very, very informative and thought provoking interview. The explanation of how we conceive of reality.. how the brain interprets the world,...
View ArticleSderot Cinema- Israeli's enjoying the mass killings of Palestinians
People gathering to watch live bombing of Gaza – should make us all uncomfortableSpeaking for myself, I cannot view violence on tell-a-vision or in movies. To sit and watch people being killed in real...
View ArticleKiev "claims" plane shot down by Russia- Spin, spin, spin
Apologies readers... I misread the date, but, am leaving this posted anyway.Feel free to leave info and comment regarding today's incident, which still features the usual contradictory reports. Then I...
View ArticleTimeline: Downing of An-26 supply plane
This is an entirely new post regarding the shoot down of An-26 supply plane.I spent too much time going through the news this a.m. Going back to when it seems this news first broke? And then looking...
View ArticleBaghdadi 'Mossad trained' - Gulf Daily News
Interesting?WASHINGTON: The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the...
View ArticleReality Check - Controlling Energy resources for Global Domination
This is a bit of an older article Dec 2013. Seemed timely since Palestinian oil, and it's theft by Israel, is on the present day agenda. The title is "Putin's Mediterranean Move" but that's just...
View ArticleRussian/Ukrainian News- Moscow shows damage/Ukraine kills civilians and more
WSJRussia's Ministry of Defense brought 11 foreign military attachés, including one from the U.S., to a neighborhood on the Russian side of the border where Moscow accused Kiev's forces of shelling a...
View ArticleThe Big Cheese stands alone- US expands sanctions against Russia- Unilaterally
WP How much harm is the US attempting to inflict on the EU with this move? It is Europe that get's it's energy from Russia.The United States on Wednesday increased sanctions against Russia over its...
View ArticleBreaking! Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed (shotdown) in Eastern Ukraine
Holy smokes! If Russia won't take the Ukrainian bait would a false flag be the next move? This is exactly, I kid you not, exactly something mentioned as a distinct possibility just yesterday during a...
View ArticleMH-17: An exercise in foregone conclusions?
Readers here will notice that I use the term "narrative creation" in relation to main stream media news items that feel as if they are being used to point us in a specific direction. Or to get us to...
View ArticleIsrael's brutal Gaza Invasion as all attention is turned to the MH-17 false flag
Info I had saved this morning, but, am just getting around to now. Apologies.False flag- for those who do not know? False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations...
View ArticleGazan to Netanyahu- Thanks monster, my life is ruined. MH17...
No, post title is not a real headline. It's fictional. Like most mainstream media content But, it could be very real? When applied to Mr Putin, of courseThis is a rambling post.... You may not think...
View ArticleMH-17 changed course over Poland- Why? How could MH370 have been lost?
A couple of images that really got me wondering?And another question that is really bugging me? It looks to me the course change that sent MH-17 over a war zone took place in Poland?Why?We know Poland...
View ArticleFBI: Framing Muslims as “terrorists” to justify certain political agendas
Let's call this type of action exactly what it is. It is state sponsored terrorism, perpetrated by the state against all of it's own citizens! Period!This'news' should come as no surprise to anyone who...
View ArticleThe US backs off it's false flag! "No direct link to Russia in downing of MH17
No direct link to Russia in downing of Flight MH17: U.S. officials The intelligence officials were cautious in their assessment, noting that while the Russians have been arming separatists in eastern...
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